Contradictions of the Trinity

Spongebob Independence vs Dependence Contradiction in the Trinity Credit to Keys of the Unseen Can one of the three persons create something against the will of the other two, or not? If one of the persons can create something against the will of the other two, then those other two persons are not God. For their inability to actualize their will is proof that they are weaker than the one who can, and that which is weak cannot be God. If the three persons are unable to disagree with each other, then none of them is God. In this case, each depends on the approval of the rest when creating anything, and what depends on others cannot be god. Either way, there cannot exist more than one divine person, so the Trinity is false. —— Another Contradiction in the Trinity If the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are 100% God, then that means they should all have 100% of the attributes of God. So question for the Christians: Is Jesus independent of God the Father or dependent on God the Father? If Jesus is independent of God the Father, then that’s 2 ultimate independent existences meaning 2 gods. If Jesus is dependent on God the Father, then Jesus cannot be 100% God since one of God’s attributes is that he’s 100% independent and doesn’t depend on anything.