The dream argument

Refuting the notion of: “Many People Get Dreams of Jesus, Therefore Christianity is True” This notion fails spectacularly on multiple levels. So here’s an in depth refutation to why this is completely garbage. —— 1.) People Get Dreams of Various Other Religious Figures If this argument of people dreaming of Jesus makes Christianity true, then by that logic every other religion would be true because there are people that dream of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh, the Buddha, Hindu gods, etc. There are people that have dreams that push them towards various religions that are not Christianity. So would that mean that these religions are true as well? Here are some videos and articles just to show you what I mean 👇 People dreaming of Prophet Muhammad pbuh, or having dreams that push them towards Islam 👇 Articles showing what dreaming of the Buddha means indicating that there are people out there that do have dreams of the Buddha otherwise these articles would not exist 👇 People dreaming of various Hindu gods, or dreams that lead them towards Hinduism 👇 If you argue back, and say that the reason people get dreams of Muhammad pbuh, Buddha, and various Hindu gods is because they are actually getting influenced by the Devil, then I can argue back and say that the reason people get dreams of Jesus is also because of Satan. 2.) How Do You Even Verify a Dream in the First Place? Dreams are subjective in nature, and you can’t exactly prove that someone had a dream of a particular thing. How do you know that all these people that claim to see Jesus in their dreams are all telling the truth? You can’t exactly verify that they even had a dream of Jesus to begin with. You can only just take their word for it. That’s not good evidence. Another thing is that people often forget their dreams, or they may forget certain details in their dreams, or they may be interpreting their dreams wrongly. What if a person who’s dreaming sees a man in white robes with long hair, and that person interprets that image to be Jesus when in reality it could have been a completely different individual all together. So in reality that person was not even dreaming of Jesus to begin with, but just interpreted that way. —— 3.) There is a more natural explanation for why many people get dreams of Jesus The reason people dream to begin with is that our brain takes certain experiences, and memories that we had, and our consciousness puts all of that into a dream during the REM cycle. Keeping that in mind, there is a more reasonable, non-supernatural reason why people would be getting dreams of Jesus. The reason is because of people’s experiences and memories regarding anything related to Christianity, and Abrahamic theology in general. Christianity is the biggest religion in the world, with several dozen Christian majority countries spanning multiple continents. Islam is the second largest religion with several dozen Muslim majority countries spanning multiple continents. Islam also teaches that one must believe in Jesus pbuh in order to be a Muslim. Christianity and Islam alone make up more than the half the world population. Keeping this in mind, this shows that everyone knows who Jesus is, even if they may not know everything about Abrahamic theology, or if they are not religious, everyone knows what you mean and who your referring to when you say Jesus Christ. There are churches, and Christian schools everywhere. There are pictures, statues, and icons of Jesus everywhere. There are movies, tv shows, books, and all forms of media and entertainment that showcase, and reference Jesus. Christmas is celebrated throughout the world. There is no way someone can not know who Jesus is unless they lived under a rock. So with all that in mind, then there is no wonder why many people would get dreams of Jesus. Your constantly surrounded by anything related to Abrahamic theology whether directly or indirectly. And when your constantly surrounded by that, then your brain is going to store and interpret those experiences and memories and create dreams from them