
Spongebob Spongebob Third-century Neoplatonist Greek philosopher porphyry noted the evangelists were inventing the stories regarding the alleged crucifixion This proves the Qur'ān that they follow nothing but conjecture Spongebob an example of how messed up it is⬇️ Spongebob Spongebob John contradicts the synoptics regarding the date of crucifixion for his theological agenda, as noted by scholars such as Ep Sanders some Christians might cope and argue that John uses a different calendar Spongebob Spongebob but there's no evidence backing it up as pointed out by Theissen and Merz Flavius Joseph was born and raised in Jerusalem in the year 37. He was a Jewish historian and wrote many books on Jewish culture, Jewish history and contemporary events in his life. Josephus would mention Jesus, his crucifixion and resurrection in a sentence in his book Antiquities, but all specialists agree that this sentence is a subsequent interpolation of the Christian scribes. Flavius Joseph mentioned Jesus, but there is a lively debate about what he originally said about him. Mara bar Serapion, who was a man in prison, writing a letter to his son, in which he also mentions the murder of a wise Jewish king. The problem is that we know nothing about Mara, he does not mention where he originates from and the oldest manuscript of this letter dates from the 7th century, that is, 600 years later. In addition, he does not specify who this Jewish king was and how, when or for what he would have been killed. Even Christian apologists Craig Evans and Mike Licona classified this letter as ambiguous and useless. Tacitus who mentions in a sentence in his book Annals, that a certain Christ was crucified by the hands of the Roman governor Pilate. However, Tacitus wrote almost 100 years later, nor does he mention where he gets this information from. In fact, Tacitus does not say at all that this Christ was crucified, he says that he “subited the “extreme punishment” without specifying what he endured or for what he was condemned. Lucien, a Roman historian who mentions the crucifixion 150 years later, without mentioning its source or specifying anything. Even Michael Licona admits that this cannot be considered a valid historical narrative. Same for the rest, just Christian authors who come 150+ years after the facts advance the same sustained history of Christians. But for a little history, we can look through history, there were different groups and different Christian scriptures who did not believe in the crucifixion of Jesus. For example, the Basilidians, for them it was not Jesus who was crucified but Simon of Cyrene, in the letters of Ignatius saw him trying to convince in particular 2 groups who denied the crucifixion the Philadelphians denied the death and resurrection of Jesus because it was in no way in the TA or the Trallians to whom Ignatius wrote. And since you seem to like to quote people who are far from the first century, why not quote Porphyry of Tyre (234 - 310) who wrote: The four evangelists were not eyewitnesses because their stories about the crucifixion contradict: “The evangelists were fictional authors, not observers or eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life. Each of the four contradicts the other by writing his account of the events of his suffering and crucifixion. ** » • Then he cites contradictions • The evangelists copied their stories of the crucifixion from sources that describe the crucifixion of several people and, since the crucifixion stories recorded by the evangelists are based on hearing, they should not be trusted. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Bart ehrman in his book states: the Jews as far as we know were never expecting the messiah to be killed. (Thus this is just a lie spread by the Christians) also the Bible preaches the messiah won’t be killed (psalm 91 Hebrew 5 Spongebob Spongebob Oh wow thats the reason why they disbelieve in Isa? Cuz they believe he was killed (Allah refuted that already in the Quran) but Yea thats interesting Spongebob YouTube EFDawah Debate || Was Jesus (PBUH) Crucified? || Dr. James White & Zakir Hu... YouTube Blogging Theology Jesus was not crucified: the evidence with Dr. Ali Ataie