Muhammad ﷺ in the Bible

Muhammad ﷺ in the Bible: Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob “The people of Mount sela rejoice” sela is in Madina where the prophet ﷺ migrated The cave of Hira, in which the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12 Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob -Kedar is an ancestor of the Holy Prophet ﷺ -Sela is a mountain in madina Sharif You can literally Google Map it and it'll also tell you Spongebob Kedar being the son of Hazrat Ismail عليه السلام Spongebob The Great Isaiah Scroll 41:23 to 42:17 Spongebob Highlighted word Spongebob If we transliterate: Spongebob We will have this ⚠️ The image here is not accurate in the pronunciation because it's actually pronounced ''Ahmod/Ahmoud'' because ''waw'' is not actually any vowel it's '' واو '' however it is still the name of the prophet ﷺ. Spongebob A H M A D Objection #1 ''Hey it says Ahmad! Not Muhammad how do I know it's Muhammad ?''Q Surah As-Saff (The Ranks) 61:6 Jesus, son of Mary, said, ‘Children of Israel, I am sent to you by God, confirming the Torah that came before me and bringing good news of a messenger to follow me whose name will be Ahmad.’ Yet when he came to them with clear signs, they said, ‘This is obviously sorcery.’ Translation: Abdul Haleem | Medinan Quran 61:6 Jesus A.S refers Muhammad ﷺ as ''Ahmad'' Objection #2 ''Add to that final kaf can not be used in middle of word as masoretic version makes, indicating Daleth letter was changed illegally to Final Kaf letter. Also there is no such root in Arabic as TMK as the recently forged Biblical Hebrew lexicon claim. Even the dead sea scroll version is clearly altered into atmk you can clearly see the new ink made by the church of lies Rome the same guardians on the dead sea scrolls since 1948'' Masoretic text - Tiberian vocalisation system is a 10th century CE newly created vocalisation system, so common sense should tell you that those Essenes Jews who the dead sea Scrolls dated back to' those Jews were more using the Palestinian niqqud and vocalisation(pronunciation) system, instead of those Moserote Jews later use in their dodgy invention' medieval biblical Aramaic vocalisation is like the offspring from Palestinian vocalisation, Samaritan Hebrew text' got some few Aramaic vocalisation used to sound their Samaritan Hebrew text, which pre-dates Masoretic text - Tiberian vocalisation and also Babylonian vocalisation, the rest of the Samaritan Hebrew text, uses Samaritan Hebrew/Arabic vocalisation which still pre dates and more accurate than the vocalisation that were used on the Masoretic tampered text Objection #3 ''Well why do some hebrew speaker says I could read this word as ''Ahmoda'' ? Which means "I will desire". There are two more letters than is necessary to write Ahmed. I don't know if the dead sea scrolls contain the word Ahmed or not, but this particular example is a stretch'' They basically judge the dead sea Scrolls manuscript of Isaiah with their 10th newly invented Tiberian vocalisation niqqud system, that only allowed you to speak a newly invented Hebrew language, their criterion is flawed Here's 3 vocalisation systems going backwards, that were used for vocalising the biblical language of the Caananite (Sīfātu-caanan), long long before your 10th century Tiberian and Babylonian vocalisation systems help you to speak your new version of your dead language "Hebrew" + that Aramaic medieval vocalisation is the correct vocalisation for the dead sea Scrolls that were found in Palestine Qumran, cause Palestinian vocalisation gave to that Aramaic medieval vocalisation but the Palestinian vocalisation don't exist anymore sources Manuscripts: Source: Bonus: What some random ex-christian who became Muslim have to say about this Spongebob Dunno how there could be a more scholarly, historically, geographically, linguistically, genealogically accurate reference to the Prophet ﷺ than the one clearly presented here. Corrected a minor mistake here YT link Objection #4 ''So this needs to be read in the context of the geography in the time of Isaiah and the old testament prophets. Selah in the chapter is referred to a townish place in edom the bible says mount selah it doesn't refer to a town the very fact that it says mount sela is enough to prove that interpretation wrong. Now I’ll be adding more proofs that songs of Solomon 5 is talking about the prophet… I’ll be sending multiple verses from the Bible that fits the description of the prophet! Spongebob Translation: He was white, impregnated with redness. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Source: sharh Sahih Muslim by imam an-nawwai - Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob And finally what the brothers have mentioned about the Muhammed is mentioned in songs of Solomon 5:16 Isaiah 41:25’s prophecy about prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Spongebob This is to show we use the hadith to confirm Isaiah 42 is about the prophet Muhammad s.a.w Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob