
Islam VS Liberalism By Mohammed Hijab Responding to “Only Allah can judge me!” Claim: “the story of Lut is referring to rapists, not sodomites” Refutation: ignoring the verse that is clearly condemning the people of sodom for choosing men over women, the burden of proof is on the liberal Muslim to prove this claim, no commentary of the Quran, scholar or Muhaddith, interpreted these events as the liberal Muslims are claiming, let’s check the commentary of these verses, Surah An-Naml (The Ant) 27:54 We also sent Lot to his people. He said to them, ‘How can you commit this outrage with your eyes wide open? 27:55 How can you lust after men instead of women? What fools you are!’ 27:56 The only answer his people gave was to say, ‘Expel Lot’s followers from your town! These men mean to stay chaste!’ 27:57 We saved him and his family- except for his wife: We made her stay behind- 27:58 and We brought rain down on them. How dreadful that rain was for those who had been warned! Translation: Abdul Haleem | Meccan Surah Al-An'aam (The Cattle) 6:115 The word of your Lord is complete in its truth and justice. No one can change His words: He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing. Translation: Abdul Haleem | Meccan “Freedom to Sin”? The irrationality of the secular liberal argument by Abdullah al-Andalusi YouTube MADKHALISM REFUTED Abdullah al Andalusi The deviation & ‘bida’ of Madkhalis: Wrongly putting multiple secul... YouTube Lanterns of Tawheed #NEW | THE KUFR OF UAE & THE HYPOCRISY OF FARIS AL HAMMADI | Ibn Bā... The Facts Gold Mine for Refuting LGBTQ+ 100+ Studies, Infographics and more, in Multiple Languages YouTube The Path of al-Islām Exposing the deviants episode 1 | Omar suleiman Live, comment and share if you dont join it. Lots of benefit in helping make Islam easier to practise in the west to avoid the pitfalls And to defend yourself when they attack Its got eng subtitles Very beneficial video for people who think humanatarianism as an ideology is good