The minor signs of the Day of Judgement

The minor signs of the Day of Judgement

Events that have clearly already taken place

A mountain of gold will be disclosed from beneath the River Euphrates, but we are not to take anything from it.
Evidence: "Ancient buildings have emerged from the river bed in Iraq's western Anbar province as the Euphrates River dries up." [Source] Hadith: "Soon the river Euphrates will disclose the treasure [the mountain] of gold. So, whoever will be present at that time should not take anything of it." — Sahih Bukhari. The Prophet Muhammad said: "The Hour will not come to pass before the river Euphrates dries up to unveil the mountain of gold, for which people will fight. Ninety-nine out of one hundred will die [in the fighting], and every man among them will say: 'Perhaps I may be the only one to remain alive'." — Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim. The Prophet Muhammad said: "The Euphrates reveals the treasures within itself. Whoever sees it should not take anything from it". "It [the Euphrates] will uncover a mountain of gold [under it]." — Sunan Abi Da'ud.
the Mongol Siege of Baghdad the Mongol Siege of Baghdad
Evidence: "The siege of Baghdad took place in early 1258 at Baghdad, the historic capital of the Abbasid Caliphate. After a series of provocations from the city's ruler, Caliph al-Musta'sim, a large army under the Mongol prince Hulegu attacked the city. Within a few weeks, the city fell and was sacked by the Mongol army—al-Musta'sim was killed alongside hundreds of thousands of his subjects. The city's fall has traditionally been seen as marking the end of the Islamic Golden Age; in reality, its repercussions are uncertain."[Source] Hadith: Narrated Abu Bakrah: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Some of my people will alight on low-lying ground, which they will call al-Basrah, beside a river called the Tigris over which there is a bridge. Its people will be numerous and it will be one of the capital cities of immigrants (or one of the capital cities of Muslims, according to the version of Ibn Yahya who reported from Abu Ma'mar). At the end of time the descendants of Qantura' will come with broad faces and small eyes and alight on the bank of the river. The town's inhabitants will then separate into three sections, one of which will follow cattle and (live in) the desert and perish, another of which will seek security for themselves and perish, but a third will put their children behind their backs and fight the invaders, and they will be the martyrs. Sunan Abi Dawud 4306
When people begin to compete with others in the construction of taller buildings. [Bukhari]
Evidence: "The Burj Khalifa[a] (known as the Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration) is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the world's tallest structure."[Source] Hadith: It was narrated that 'Umar said: "We were sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) when a man came to him whose clothes were intensely white and whose hair was intensely black; no signs of travel could be seen upon him, and none of us recognized him. He sat down facing the Prophet (ﷺ), with his knees touching his, and he put his hands on his thighs, and said: 'O Muhammad, what is Islam?' He said: 'To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that I am the Messenger of Allah, to establish regular prayer, to pay Zakat, to fast in Ramadan, and to perform Hajj to the House (the Ka'bah).' He said: 'You have spoken the truth.' We were amazed by him: He asked a question, then told him that he had spoken the truth. Then he said: 'O Muhammad, what is Iman faith? He said: 'To believe in Allah, His angels, His Messengers, His books, the Last day, and the Divine Decree (Qadar), both the good of it and the bad of it.' He said' You have spoken the truth.' We were amazed by him. He asked a question, then told him that he had spoken the truth. Then he said: 'O Muhammad, what is Ihsan (right action, goodness, sincerity)? He said: 'To worship Allah as if you see Him, for even though you do not see Him, He sees you.' He asked: "When will the Hour be?' He said: 'The one who is being asked about it does not know more than the one who is asking.' He asked: 'Then what are its signs?' he said: 'When the slave woman gives birth to her mistress' (Waki' said: This means when non-Arabs will give birth to Arabs") 'and when you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings.' The Prophet (ﷺ) met me three days later and asked me: 'Do you know who that man was? I said" 'Allah and his Messenger know best.' He said: 'That was Jibril, who came to you to teach you your religion.'" Sunan Ibn Majah 63
The conquest of Constantinople by the Muslims. [Ahmad, Muslim]
Evidence: "The fall of Constantinople, also known as the conquest of Constantinople, was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by the Ottoman Empire. The city was captured on 29 May 1453 as part of the culmination of a 53-day siege which had begun on 6 April." [Source] Hadith: “Verily, you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful army will that army be, and what a wonderful commander will that conqueror be.” Musnad, I, 176; IV, 335; Darimi, “Muqaddima”, p. 43.
Leaders will not rule according to the Commands of Allah. [Bukhari]
self evident Hadith: Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "When honesty is lost, then wait for the Hour." It was asked, "How will honesty be lost, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "When authority is given to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, To make the Heart Tender (Ar-Riqaq), volume 8, Book 76, Number 503)"
Female singers and musical instruments will become popular. [Tirmidhi]
Evidence: "According to a study exploring the share of female artists in popular music in the United States between the years 2012 and 2022, 30 percent of the artists featuring on songs in the top 100 charts in 2022 were women, up from 23 percent in the previous year."[Source] Hadith: Sahl bin S'ad As-Sa'di reported that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "This Community will experience the swallowing up of some people by the earth, the metamorphosis of some into animals, and being rained upon with stones.'' Someone asked, ''When will this be, O Messenger of Allah?''. He said, ''When female singers and musical instruments appear and wine is held to be lawful.' Jami' at-Tirmidhi 2210, 2. Jami' at-Tirmidhi 2211, 3. Jami' at-Tirmidhi 2212
When the last ones of the Ummah begin to curse the first ones. [Ibn Majah]
Evidence: Shia... Hadith: It was narrated that Jabir said: "The Messenger of Allah said: 'When the last people of this Ummah curse the first, (at that time) whoever conceals a Hadith will be concealing what Allah has revealed.'" (Maudu') Sunan Ibn Majah 263Sunan Ibn Majah 263
The Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. [Bukhari]
Evidence: "The siege of Jerusalem (636–637) was part of the Muslim conquest of the Levant and the result of the military efforts of the Rashidun Caliphate against the Byzantine Empire in the year 636–637/38."[Source] Hadith: Shadad Ibn Aws (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said, “l-Sham will be conquered and Al-Quds (Jerusalem) will be conquered and you or your sons will be Imams there, if Allah will”. TABARANI
A great plague will spread over the land - may be in reference to the plague of Amwas during the Caliphate of Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab. [Bukhari] People will beat others with whips like the tails of oxen - this may be in reference to the slave trade. [Muslim] Children will be filled with rage. [at-Tabarani, al-Hakim] Rain will be acidic or burning - reference to acid rain. [at-Tabarani, al-Hakim] Children of fornication will become widespread or prevalent. When a trust becomes a means of making a profit. People will walk in the marketplace with their thighs exposed. Great distances will be traversed in short spans of time - reference to vehicles, aeroplanes. [Passed] The people of Iraq will recieve no food and no money due to oppression by the Romans (Europeans). [Muslim] People will hop between the clouds and the earth. When singers become common. [Al-Haythami] People will dance late into the night. People will claim to follow the Qur'an but will reject Hadith & Sunnah. [Abu Dawood] People will believe in the stars. [Al-Haythami] People will reject al-Qadr (the Divine Decree of Destiny). [Al-Haythami] Smog will appear over cities because of the evil that they are doing. There will be attempts to make the deserts green. Women will be naked in spite of being dressed, these women will be led astray & will lead others astray. [Muslim] A man will leave his home and his thigh or hip will tell him what is happening back at his home. [Ahmad] Years of deceit in which the truthful person will not be believed and the liar will be believed. [Ahmad] Bearing false witness will become widespread. [Al-Haythami & Ahmad] When men lie with men, and women lie with women. [Al-Haythami] Trade will become so widespread that a woman will be forced to help her husband in business. [Ahmad] A woman will enter the workforce out of love for this world. [Ahmad] There will be many women of child-bearing age who will no longer give birth. There will be an abundance of food, much of which has no blessing in it. Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men.

Events that have most likely already taken place

Time will pass rapidly. [Bukhari, Muslim, & Ahmad] Good deeds will decrease. [Bukhari] People will become miserly. [Bukhari] There will be much killing and murder. [Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Ahmad] Power and authority will be given to wrong people. [Bukhari] Honesty will be lost. [Bukhari] The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance [Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Ahmad] The consumption of intoxicants will be widespread. [Bukhari & Muslim] Adultery and fornication will be prevalent. [Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah] The leader of a people will be the worst of them. [Tirmidhi] A trust is used to make a profit. [Tirmidhi] When a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly while shunning his father. [Tirmidhi] People will treat a man with respect out of fear for some evil he might do. [Tirmidhi] The nations of the Earth will gather against the Muslims like hungry people going to sit at a table full of food. This will occur when the Muslims are large in number, but "like the foam of the sea". Books/writing will be widespread and (religious) knowledge will be low. [Ahmad] Children will be foul. [at-Tabarani, al-Hakim] Women will conspire. [at-Tabarani, al-Hakim] Episodes of sudden death will become widespread. [Ahmad] There will be people who will be brethren in public, but enemies in secret. (When asked how that would come about, he replied, "Because they will have ulterior motives in their mutual dealings, and at the same time they will fear one another.") [Tirmidhi] People will be carrying on with their trade, but there will only be a few trustworthy persons. There will be a special greeting for the people of distinction. [Ahmad] Arrogance will increase in the earth. [Tabarani, al-Hakim] Family ties will be cut. [Ahmad] People will refuse when offered food.

Events that have maybe already taken place

The appearance of 30 false messengers. [Bukhari] Two large groups, adhering to the same religious teaching, will fight each other with large numbers of casualties. [Bukhari & Muslim] Earthquakes will increase [Bukhari & Muslim] People will strive for power about mosques. When voices are raised in the mosques. [Tirmidhi] Men will begin to wear silk. [Tirmidhi] Wealth will increase so much so that if a man were given 10,000, he would not be content with it. [Ahmad & Bukhari] A trial will arise in Arabia which will not spare a single household. [Ahmad & Bukhari] A treaty will be made between the Muslims and the Westerners - which they will breach with an army of 12,000 soldiers under 80 banners. [Bukhari] The conquest of India by the Muslims, just prior to the return of Prophet Jesus, son of Mary. [Ahmad, an-Nisa'i, Tabarani, al-Hakim]

Events that have not taken place yet

Wealth will be in abundance, to the extent that it will be difficult to find someone in need of Zakat. [Bukhari] Stones and trees will help the Muslims fight against the Jews. Women will outnumber men, eventually the ratio will be 50 women to 1 man. [Bukhari, Muslim, & Ahmad] People will cheat with goods. [Ibn Majah] Paying Zakat becomes a burden and miserliness becomes widespread; charity is given reluctantly. [Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah] Only the rich receive a share of any gains, and the poor do not. [Tirmidhi] Wild animals will be able to talk to humans. [Ahmad]