What Islam calls for


Let’s go back to basics. What does Islam actually call for? “Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles): To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly. To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity) . To perform Hajj. (i.e. Pilgrimage to Mecca) To observe fast during the month of Ramadan”[3] These are the five pillars of Islam. Every Muslim should do all five. There are some exceptions such as Hajj if the person is not financially capable. Now Islam calls for the worship of one God. Not more than one not 3 in 1. Simply just one. The concept of God in Islam is unbelievably clear. There is only one God who alone has no partners, He is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He created life and death and to Him we will return where everyone will be judged according to what they did in this life. One thing I really love about Islam is the mercy of Allah. “Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Follow the right course, seek nearness to Allah, and give glad tidings. Verily, none of you will enter Paradise by his deeds alone.” They said, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?” The Prophet said, “Not even me, unless Allah grants me his mercy. Know that the most beloved deed to Allah is that which is done regularly, even if it is small.” [4] As Muslims we believe we go to Heaven through the mercy of Allah and the way we try to attain his mercy is by doing what he commands us to do and abstaining from what he tells us not to do. However, as humans we are weak and we will falter and will sin. Allah says in the Quran “Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins. He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”[5] No matter how big someone’s sins are, they cannot be bigger than Allah’s mercy. Based on 4:48, the only unforgivable sin in Islam is if someone dies while disbelieving in Allah or associating others with Him in worship. In an authentic narration collected by At-Tirmiⱬi, the Prophet (ﷺ) reports that Almighty Allah says, “O children of Adam! As long as you call upon Me, putting your hope in Me, I will forgive you for what you have done, and I will not mind. O children of Adam! If your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you sought My forgiveness, I would ˹still˺ forgive you. O children of Adam! If you were to come to Me with sins filling the whole world and then you came to Me without associating other gods with Me, I would certainly match your sins with forgiveness.” To me this is beautiful as it forces us to admit to ourselves, we are not perfect, it humbles oneself. It teaches us to repent and turn to Allah with sincerity wanting to change your life for the better and Allah through his mercy will simply forgive you. We recognise that we are not perfect and put our trust in God and it is honestly so comforting. There is no blood sacrifice nor does someone else bear the burdens of your mistakes. Islam teaches us to be accountable for ourself. It encourages us to make the change in our life, we have to have the intention and put the effort in. We can’t simply just pray and then do nothing. Laziness in Islam is something which is disliked we are told to be active and not just in a physical sense with fitness but in general. In regards to day to day life Islam teaches us to be humble, kind to parents give charity not just Zakat but extra charity too known as sadaqah. It teaches us to help those less fortunate then ourselves as well being grateful for the blessings that Allah has given us. Islam teaches us to be fit mentally and physically. “Jabir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The food of one person is enough for two, the food of two is enough for four, and the food of four is enough for eight.”[6] Islam teaches us to be modest and appreciative. It teaches to be sympathetic and empathetic to others. Islam is a religion which makes cleanliness mandatory and a big deal. We are meant to remove our pubic hairs and armpit hairs, wash ourselves thoroughly after we go to the bathroom a lot of people today after answering the call of nature just use tissues. If I was to sum up Islam. It is the best of way of life that promotes humility, empathy and spirituality. Our life revolves around the mandatory worship of Allah and any good we do outside of that such as picking up litter, feeding an animal, giving food to the homeless are acts loved by God and is beneficial to the soul. Islam is a religion which teaches us discipline and patience and that if you truly want something you have to put the effort in yourself but above else have trust in God’s plan. Islam is truly amazing and it makes no distinction between race. In fact, in the final sermon of the Prophet pbuh he said that, “ All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action.”[7] Malcolm X is well known figure from the 20th century. He joined the Nation of Islam but eventually left and when he performed Hajj and saw people from all places of the world, he realised the brotherhood of Islam is just that united by religion. Skin colour is irrelevant. He wrote a letter from Makkah.