Addressing common arguments

1) Why did Ibn Mas’ud not include surah al-fatiha in his codex? Ibn Mas’ud's codex was a personal codex and he did not need to include the first chapter, when it is mass-recited at least 5 times every single day. This is a bizarre expectation. Also, It is narrated from Ibn Mas’ud, regarding the word of Allah, ‘We have given you the seven oft-repeated verses’ He said: “[It is] Fatiha al-Kitab” [Durr Manthur 5/94, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut] So from this, we see that he did believe in the authenticity of this surah. Furthermore, “’Abdullah bin Mas’ud was asked as to why he did not write al-Fatiha in his Mushaf. He replied, ‘If I were to write I would write it before every surah.’” Abu Bakr al-Anbari explains this saying every raka’ah (in prayers) starts with al-Fatiha and then another surah is recited. It is as if Ibn Mas’ud said, ‘I have dropped it for the sake of brevity and I have trusted its preservation by Muslims (collectively).’ [al-Qurtubi, al-Jami al-Ahkam al-Qur’an. Dar al-Kutab al-Misriyah, Cairo, 1964 vol.1 p.115] 2) Did Ibn Mas’ud not believe that the last 2 chapters were authentic? Just because these chapters were not included in his personal codex, it does not mean he disagreed with their authenticity. According to Imam Shams Al-Din al-Jazari, these 2 chapters, in four of the Ten mass-transmitted reading traditions, (such as: Asim, Hamzah, al-kisa i, Khalsa, (all in iraq)), can be traced directly back to the Prophet through Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud. In fact, Ibn Mas’ud actually makes it clear that he does believe the 2 chapters to be part of the Quran, when he says: "Excessively recite two surahs. Allah will make you reach higher ranks in the Hereafter because of them. They are al-mu’awwazatayn (i.e. al-Falaq and an-Nas. 113 & 114)”. [Kanzul ‘Ummal, Hadith 2743] 3) Why didn’t Ibn Mas’ud want to give his codex to Uthman when requested? This was not due to a lack of trust or dislike, it was simply because Ibn Mas’ud was taught from the prophet himself, so naturally and understandably, his codex held sentimental value to him. 4) Did ibn umar claim that the quran had being lost? (Abu Ubaid, Kitab Fada’il-al-Qur’an) ibn Umar was talking about the concept of abrogation. Ibn Umar is intending to say that no one should say that one has all of the Qur’an that was ever been revealed, since some of the verses were abrogated. Rather, one should only say that we possess only the verses which were not abrogated. This is why Abu ‘Ubaid placed this narration under the heading "What Was Removed From The Qur’an After It’s Revelation”. 5) Why did Ubayy B. K’AB have 2 extra surahs in his codex? 1 - Mustapha al-A'zami says that the report is weak because of a major defect in the chain, as there is an unaccounted-for gap of at least two to three generations between Ubayy's death (30 A.H.) and Hammad's (167 A.H.) scholarly activity. Even if it was authentic, these 'extra 2 lines', are Dua al-Qunut and It’s reported in numerous Hadiths that the Prophet would often recite this supplication during the audible prayers [Sunan Ibn Majah 1182]. 2 - Further on from this, companions were known to include things such as footnotes, commentary, supplications, etc. So simply including a few extra lines, do not mean that the companion contested that there should be a few additional surahs added. 3 - Additionally, Ubayy was part of the committee but we don’t see him arguing that these two alleged Surahs should have been included into the Uthmanic text. This is extremely bizarre as he would surely have mentioned something if he noticed a problem with Uthamn's codex.