Repulsive things in Hinduism

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 18+ Not child friendly! If you have a weak stomach don’t view this content! Mahabharata Says You Should Bathe Yourself in Cow Dung Mahabharata 13/78 "One should always daily bath using Cow dung, one shout eat sitting on Cowdung" Spongebob ——— Washing With Cow Urine in Srimad Bhagvatam Srimad Bhagvatam 10/6/20 "The child was thoroughly washed with cow urine and then smeared with the dust raised by the movements of the cows. Then different names of the Lord were applied with cow dung on twelve different parts of body. In this way the child was given protection." Spongebob —— Garuda Purana Says You Should Bathe With Cow Dung Garuda Purana 1/50/11 "The most excellent form of bathing, namely Vayavya, consists in rubbing on the body the powder of Cow Dung" Spongebob —— Consuming Cow Dung and Cow Urine in Vasistha Dharmasutra Vasistha Dharmasutra 27.14 "When a man subsists one day each on cow’s urine, cowdung, milk, curd, and ghee for five days, he is purified by these five products of the cow." Spongebob —— Consuming Cow Dung in Baudhyana Dharmasutra "When a man subsists one day each on cow's urine, cowdung, milk, curd, and ghee for five days, he is purified by these five products of the cow" Spongebob Spongebob ——- Washing House using Cow Dung in Parashar Smirti Parashar smriti 7.46 "The house should be washed with Cow Dung and Water" Spongebob —— Purification Rites in Hinduism Cow urine + Dung + Milk + Curd + Butter = Panchgayva (Five products of Cow) used for Daily consumption and purification rites in Hinduism Spongebob The ground where Shiva Purana is told must be scrubbed, cleaned and smeared with Cow Dung - Shiva Purana māhātmya 6.14… Spongebob There is story in Mahabharata Anushasana Parva where Dung of Cows was blessed by Lakshmi. That's why Hindus started considering it prosperous Source: Puranic Encyclopedia p 450 Spongebob Vishnu Smriti 91.18 "The reward is also obtained by scouring a temple, by smearing it with cow-dung, by removing the leavings of the food of a Brahmana, by washing his feet, and by nursing him when sick." Spongebob Varaha Purana 139.2 "He remains in heaven for as many thousands of years as number of steps he smears with Cow Dung" Verse 13 "He who carries cowdung for use in the temple remains in my world for twelve thousand years" Spongebob Agni Purana 267.4 "Bathing with cow-dung would be conferring fortune. Bathing with cow’s urine would destroy the sins." Spongebob ——— Buffalo Dung in Narada Purana Narada Purana 3.75.60-62 "In regard to the acquisition of lost articles the buffalo dung shall be used. For the protection of a great fort, in guarding and protecting children etc, in enchanting and controlling women and similar rites, the cow-dung is recommended." Spongebob —— Purification using Cow Dung in Kamika Agama Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob ——— Use of Cow Dung in Bhagvata Puruna Bhagvata Purana 7/11/26 of Gita Press "A wife should serve serve her husband by sweeping her house and plastering it with Cow Dung" Spongebob —— Women washing their Face with Cow dung in Harivamsa Purana Vishnu Parva Harivamsa Purana Vishnu Parva 80.6 "If the woman faithful to her husband desires comfort for her head, she shall wash it with cow dung" Spongebob ——- Cleaning your House With Cow Dung in Mahabharata Mahabharata 13.146 Parvati describing characteristics of wife and duties of women "That woman who always takes a pleasure in rising at early down, who is devoted to the discharge of all household duties, who always keeps her house clean, who rubs her house daily with COWDUNG" Spongebob Spongebob ——- Bathing With Cow Dung in Shiva Puruna Shiva Purana 7/2/21 describing rites for Saivites "After bathing, he should apply COW DUNG all over his Body" Spongebob ———- Zoophilia/Bestiality in Hindu Scriptures Many holy sages had intercourse with animals who in turn gave birth to many other sages. Spongebob The sage Vyasa approached Ghrtaci who took the form of a parrot. As a result, the great sage Suka was born. Spongebob Rambha prayed to Agni, the Hindu god of fire, asking him to give him a son. Agni promised him a son and told him to copulate with any female from any species. Rambha decided to impregnate a she-buffalo. Spongebob Shiva forced himself on Agni who assumed the form of a bird. Spongebob A sage (Rishi) turned himself into a deer in order to have intercourse with female deer because he was uncomfortable in having sex with humans. Spongebob King Satadhanu was reborn as a dog due to his sins. His reborn human wife recognized and remarried him. Spongebob The Rig Veda mentions a ritual where the chief queen sleeps with a horse. [Yajur Veda, Kanda VII, 4:19] Spongebob The same ritual is described again but in more detail. [White Yajur Veda, Book 23, 19-31] Spongebob The same horse ritual again but this time it is slaughtered. [Satapatha Brahmana Part V, 13:5:2:1-2] Spongebob Kausalya, the mother of the Hindu god Rama, symbolically "killed" the horse. She then proceeded to spend the night with it. [Valmiki Ramayana, 1:14:33-35] Spongebob Horse Beasitiality Ritual in Hinduism Yajur Veda 23.19-21 . All wife of the host reciting three mantras go round the horse. While praying, they say: "O horse, you are the protector of the community on the basis of good qualities; you are the protector or treasure of happiness." "O horse, you become my husband." "O Horse, I extract the semen worth conception and you release the semen worth conception." The horse and the principal wife spread two legs each. Then the Ardhvaryu (priest) gave the order to cover the oblation place, raise the canopy, etc. After this, the principal wife of the host pulls the penis of the horse and puts it in her vagina and says: "O horse, please throw semen on the upper part of the anus of my wife." Expand your penis and insert it in the vagina because, after insertion, this penis makes women happy and lively.” Even today, Brahmins and their slaves continue to loudly practise bestiality —— According to Hinduism Your Allowed to do Beastiality Except on Cows Gautama Dharmasutra: 22.36 For committing bestiality, except in the case of a cow, he shall offer an oblation of clarified butter, reciting the Kūṣmāṇḍa texts. Spongebob —— Necrophilia in Hinduism Shiva had sex with his dead wife, Sati. Brahmanda Purana 2.6-10: "Pieces of the dead body of Hindu goddess Sati fall everywhere on earth, and Shiva finds her vagina at Kamarupa and puts his penis into it." Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 43.1–24 "Lamenting thus and afflicted with grief, he held the dead body of his beloved wife to his breast and kissed and embraced it again and again." Siva pressed his lips to the lips of his beloved, embracing her and swooning again. Brahma also had sex with a dead body in a cremation ground. His son Salliyan was born from this necrophilia. Pandits Aghori practise necrophilia with the dead; it's a common ritual. The Aghori seek to satisfy the needs of Goddess Kali through cannibalism and sex with corpses. A supporter of Hindu chief minister Yogi Adityanath told a huge Hindu crowd to dig and rape dead Muslim women out of their graves. Source:… A brahmin pandit sacrifices a 7-year-old girl, eats her liver, and has sex with her corpse. Source: These rapists (brahmin necrophilia ) are in devotion to Kali. Kali is portrayed in traditional art as having snake-like tongues and bloody fangs, as well as having slain and consumed people. She is shown sporting a necklace made of severed human heads that is covered in blood. Spongebob —— Rape and Cuckold Ritual in Hinduism Niyoga is a ritual that the Brahmans forced on others to satisfy their sexual desires; other people had to bring their wives to the Brahmans for sexual activity. Mahabharata 1.113.19: "If a wife refuses her husband's choice to have sex with any man, sin falls on such a wife." Spongebob