Refuting reincarnation in Hindusim VedKaBhed.Com Ved Ka Bhed Reincarnation Reality or Myth? - VedKaBhed.Com 4.3 (3) By Ibn Muhammad The theory of Re-incarnation of souls, also known as the cycle of birth and death, is very central to Hindu philosophy. To a common Muslim this is a new idea which he/she has not previously encountered. We may not accept it, but we cannot cavil at the logic of it; […] VedKaBhed.Com Ved Ka Bhed No Reincarnation, No Moksha, No Mukti in the Vedas - VedKaBhed.Com 4.5 (6) by Ibn Muhammad Samsaara’ (संसार cycle of births and deaths) and ‘Moksha’ (मोक्ष liberation from the cyle of births and deaths) are fundamental beliefs of orthodox Hindus and also of protestant Hindus i.e. Arya Samajists. The difference between these two groups is that while the former believe that not only the Veda Samhitas […]