Disguisting Hindu deities

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ 18+ Not child friendly! If you have a weak stomach don’t view this content! Brahma Had Incest With His Own Daughter Spongebob Indra Rapes the Wife of a Hindu Sage and is Then Cursed by the Sage to Grow a Thousand Vaginas Spongebob Brihaspati, Guru of all Gods raped his pregnant sister in law Spongebob Shiva Rapes Mohini Spongebob Shiva Gives His Testicles Out as Food Spongebob Some example of Rapists who justified their acts using Krishna's Raas leela 1.) Virendra Dev Dixit Spongebob 2.) Sarathi Baba Sarathi Baba who claimed himself as incarnation of Lord Krishna and wanted his devotees, mainly women followers, to love him as gopis. Spongebob 3.) Kripalu Maharaj The Guru claims himself an Avtar of Krishna. There are many charges against him including kidnapping of minors. This Guru was exposed by an American follower Karen Johnson in her book "Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus: How I Was Conned by a Dangerous Cult" Spongebob 4.) Asaram Bapu needs no Introduction. His former devotees revealed how he used example of Lord Krishna-Gopi-Radha relationship to exploit women. Spongebob 5.) Ram Rahim also used example of Krishna. A letter written by Sadhvi revealed details. When I objected he said, "There is no doubt that I am God" When I asked if God also indulges in such acts, he shot back: Sri Krishna too was God and he had 360 gopis with whom he staged Prem Lila Spongebob 6.) Baba Prafulla Kumar Das, of Nitaaigour Ashram in Bhubaneswar, used to dress himself as Lord Krishna and sexually assault many women. argusenglish.in/article/women-… 7.) Controversial Swami OM, when asked about his viral dance video, said if Lord Krishna could be with the Gopis, then why can't he? When he can do all this, why can't I?" he said during a panel discussion on a news channel. arcattoscana.org/tv/news/hindi/… 8.) Vaishna Roy explained How Gurus justify their actions using mythology and How women fell pray to such gurus in Ashram thehindu.com/society/of-rap… Spongebob 9.) Nithyananda, used to exploit women using example of Krishna. In a complaint, its revealed that Niathyananda used to inappropriately touch women devotees in Ashram citing example of Lord Krishna and Gopis bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/bangalore/othe… Spongebob 10.) Swami KrishnaPatil. A Victim mentioned "Like Krishna found Radha and blessed her soul. I was his Radha, he said. Normally, after a session, he would hug a few chosen disciples. This included children, young, middle aged and old people." thenewsminute.com/article/trappe… Spongebob Swami Patil would dress like a divine figure sometimes he become lord Krishna or Shiva. On the holy occasion of Makarsankranti, he would marry a woman. His followers would arrange for a bride every year. It was like a real wedding. No one knows what happened to those girls Spongebob 11.) There are many such references in medieval history too. For eample King of Tanjore Vijaya Raghav had 700 wives and 16 thousand concubines because he wanted to imitate God Krishna. When Chakka Nath attacked Tanjore he blew all his wives to preserve his Honor (jauhar) Spongebob Spongebob 12.) Siva Sankar Baba, the founder of Sushil Hari International School. He sexually abused many students. An alumnus shared her account that she was told to consider herself a ‘gopika’ in her previous birth and to consider Siva Sankar Baba as ‘Lord Krishna’. http://thenewsminute.com/article/chenna Spongebob https://vedkabhed.com/index.php/2018/05/05/brahmas-incestuous-relationship-with-his-daughter/ https://vedkabhed.com/index.php/2015/06/25/hindu-god-is-a-cheat/ How Hanuman Was Born Hanuman was born after Shiva poured his semen in Anjani's ears. Shiva Puranan satrudra samhita chapter 20 verse 3-7 Spongebob How Rshyashrnga Was Born Spongebob Shiva Acting in a Disgusting Manner From Shiva Purana Spongebob Brahma Ejaculated after staring and lusting over Rati Spongebob Source: Brahma vaivarta Purana Brahmakhand 4.13 —— Brahma discharged after watching limbs of Parvati Shiva Purana Rudra Samhita chapter 49 Spongebob Mitra and Varuṇa discharged semen after seeing Urvaśī Srimad bhagavatam 6.18.6 Spongebob Agni Ejaculated After Staring and Lusting Over Rambha Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 131.34-38 "Finding Rambha having beautiful figure, the god Agni became passionate and his semen fell which was covered by him in shame in the cloth" Spongebob Brahma Discharging After Seeing a Bunch of Women Vayu Purana 65.31 "Having seen those ladies (celestial virgins, the wives of Devas, the mothers and Ayu), the semen virile of Svayambhu (Brahma) fell on the ground." Spongebob The Worship of Shiva’s Penis The worshippers of Lord Shiva revere the Shiva Linga as a holy symbol of their devotion to him. Sanskrit's translation of the term "Lingum" is "Penis." As a result, Shaivaites, particularly Brandu women (Nari), regard this as the most sacred body part. It is the Penis of Lord Shiva. Branduism has long honoured the Siva Linga as a symbol of sensual urges, particularly those related to adultery. Shiva Linga worship is regarded as sacred and excellent. Shiva According to the Mahapurana, Shiva threw his linga "Penis" to appease Brandu ladies, however if a homosexual person desires to sit on it, they may do so in Shiva temples (mandir). This is so that worship may be performed easily while still keeping the reality that the form's large uses make it difficult for the devotees to view the Shiva Linga. Structure of Shiva Linga Most prevalent icon of Shiva and virtually found in all Shiva temples, Shiva Linga is a rounded, elliptical, an-iconic image of huge penis that is usually set on a circular base of Vagina it represents Parashakti, the manifesting power of adultery. Shiva Lingas are usually made of stone it is also made of metal, crystal, wood or transitory materials such as ice and 12 other materials such as sand, rice, cooked food, river clay, cow dung, butter, rudraksha seeds, ashes, sandalwood, darbha grass, a flower garland or molasses, but due to the sexual desires of hindu ladies the demand is only stone and steel. Here is the brief description of some of the popular theories and interpretations related to Shiva Linga and its origin: Worship of the male reproductive organ Worship of Shiva Linga “Dildo” in effect means worship of the reproduction function. For, they say that the other meaning of the Sanskrit word ‘Linga’ is gender in general and phallus (the male reproductive organ) in particular. They believe that the base of the Lingam corresponds to the Yoni which means vagina or the female reproductive organ. Correspondence of Linga and Yoni in a Shiva Linga is therefore interpreted as the representation of the process of copulation. Scholars further opine that the Kalash (container of water) that is suspended over the Linga from which water drips over the Linga also corresponds to the idea of sexual activity. Interpretation in Tantra. According to Tantra , lingam is a symbol of Shiva's phallus spiritually. They say, the lingam contains the soul-seed within which lies the essence of the entire cosmos. The lingam arises out of the base (Yoni) which represents Parvati according to Johnny sins god Some or Vishnu, Brahma in female and neuter form according to others. In Puranas Especially the Shiva Purana kotirurudra Samhita Chapter 12, Linga Purana, Devi Bhagwatam and Mahabharaa attribute the origin of Shiva Linga to the curse of sages leading to the separation of and installation of the phallus of Lord Shiva on earth. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Some also refer to the endlessness of the lingam to be linked to the egos of Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. Other scholars view on this point is different as due to Parwathi loose character shiva has cut his linga and thrown it as he saw Parwathi having sex with a elephant which result Lord Ganesha can be seen nowadays being thrown in Gatars and nala. Finally, we can say that performing a shivling pooja is equivalent to worshipping a phallus (an upright Dick). This is what the majority of Brandus do, and it just distributes porn. Spongebob Hindu Deities Raping Captives and Demons and Forcing Them into Prostitution There is a reference to history mentioned in the Matsya Purana that tells us how the Hindu deities used to capture women of non-Hindus (considered demons here) and force them into prostitution. Can the Hindus (slaves of Brahmins) digest these verses and show them to others so that everyone may know what Hinduism is really about? The verses are pretty self-explanatory, so I won't be explaining or summarising them. — Matsya Purana 71.26–30 “Once upon a time, thousands and thousands of demons (Danavas, Asuras, Daityas, and Rakshasas) were killed in the war between the Devas and the demons. Indra told their numberless widows and those women who were forcibly seized and enjoyed the life of prostitutes to lead the life of prostitutes and remain devoted to the kings and the Devas. Indra continued, "You should look upon, with an equal eye, the kings of your masters and on Sudra." "All of you will attain prosperity, according to your fate. You should look upon, with an equal eye, the kings of your masters and on Sudra. All of you will attain prosperity, according to your fate". "You should satisfy those who would come to you with an adequate sum of money to enjoy your company, even if they are poor". — Indra told the widows of Demons (Non-Hindus) how they should lead their prostitution life. 👇 Matsya Purana 71.44-45 “Brahmana should be well fed and be devoutly looked upon as cupid, for the sake of sexual enjoyment. Every desire of that Brahmana should be satisfied by the woman devoted. She should, with all heart and soul and with a smile on her face, yield herself up to him.” — Matsya Purana 71.56-59 “Henceforth, any Brahmana coming to them for the sake of sexual enjoyment on a Sunday, should be respected and honored. If with the consent of that Brahmana, another handsome person comes to them, these women should, with love and affection and to the best of their ability, perform all the fifty-eight kinds of observances of Love, favorite of man and gods, which would lead to pregnancy and which is not harmful to their soul’s welfare.” Hinduism also levies custom duties on importing female slaves. 👇 Agni Purana 23-29 ”Duties payable on importing female slaves into the country should be determined with due regard to the country imported from and the time of the import. The duties payable on animals and gold shall be a fifth and sixth part of the original value,while a sixth part of their value should be paid as the kings dues on importing articles of perfumery, cereals, flowers, roots…” Krishna also gave many females slaves 👇 Mahabharata 4.72.19-26 “Krishna gave unto each of the illustrious sons of Pandu numerous female slaves, and gems and robes.” Krishna’s father Vasudeva also had over a thousand concubines. 👇 Mahabharata 16.7.37-38 “The Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, and Vaishya, and wealthy shudras, set out, keeping before them the 16,000 women that had formed Vasudeva’s harem, and Vajra, the grandson of the intelligent Krishna." Hindu god Rama’s father named Dasharath also had many concubines, I am reproducing the passage where Dashrath organizes Ashvamedha Yajna 👇 Valmiki Ramayan, Bala Kanda 1.14.35 " Thus, the officiating priests of the ritual, namely hota, adhwaryu, and udgaata have received in their hand the Crowned Queen, the neglected wife, and a concubine of the king Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob