The caste system TruthaboutHinduism Caste and Racial Discrimination Written by Mushafiq Sultan A study of various religions of the world makes it clear that only the Hindu religion sanctions the worst form of discrimination based on one's birth. May be some followe... VedKaBhed.Com Ved Ka Bhed Entry of non-Hindus & Dalits into Hindu Temples - VedKaBhed.Com 4.5 (8) By Sulaiman Razvi Hindus claim that they are very tolerant, but there are several temples where entry of non-Hindus is prohibited. Hindus likes to insult others but they never look at the mirror, they never accept their faults. Not just non-Hindus but even Dalits are barred from entering the temple and this has […] VedKaBhed.Com Ved Ka Bhed Caste System in Hinduism - VedKaBhed.Com 4.2 (19) Written by Sulaiman Razvi Caste system is one of the evils of Hindu religion that still exists in the society. Caste system is nothing but isolating the low castes from the society. It divides people within the Hindu fold. The condition of low caste people has been miserable. Low castes people suffered […] No Such Thing As Charity to the Poor in Hinduism In Hinduism, they don't have any concept like charity or social welfare. Charity in Hinduism is not allowed because of caste discrimination. In Hinduism, only Brahmins are allowed to receive charity/gifts (Pratigraha) According to Economists like Vera Anstey, poverty in India is because of Hindu social system. In Hinduism, certain castes aren't allowed to own wealth or property. "Shudras should never amass wealth" - Mahabharata 12.60.28-29, Manu Smriti 10.129 Charity work in India mostly done by Christian or NGOs. Hindutva didn't like it. In 2017, Guardian reported that India’s largest international donor, the Christian charity Compassion International, was forced to cease its operations after government cut off its foreign funding NY Times reported "More than 11,000 nongovernmental charity organizations including India's largest charity organization have lost their licenses to accept funds since PM took office in 2014"… Spongebob Receiving Dana, Pratigraha - The right of receiving or accepting a donation is a special privilege of brahmanas only. Manusmriti 8.417 and Mahabharata 12.166.8 "The Brāhmaṇa may confidently seize the property and goods of Śūdra" Spongebob Bhagvada Gita 17.20 doesn't mention donating to poor. It mentions that charity should given to those who are Worthy. And Who is worthy? Answer : Brahmins Read any commentary on Gita 17.20 Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob —— Birth Based Caste System in Hinduism Caste system in Hinduism thrives because of the Hindu concept of Karma and Rebirth, in which people get birth in different wombs according to their deeds in past lives. Chandogya Upanishad 5/10/7 "Now, people here whose behavior is pleasant can expect to enter a pleasant womb, like Brahmin, the Ksatriya, or the Vaisya caste. But people of foul behavior can expect to enter a foul womb, like that of a dog, a pig, or an Untouchable caste/Chandala" Spongebob Spongebob Apastamba Dharma Shastra "There are four classes: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra Among these, each preceding class is superior by birth to each subsequent. Those who are not Shudras and are not guilty of evil deeds may undergo initiation, undertake vedic study" Spongebob Spongebob Manusmriti 1.98 "The very birth of the Brāhmaṇa is the eternal incarnation of Virtue; for he is born for the sake of Virtue; and this leads to the state of Brahman" Medhatithi writes "The very genesis i.e. irrespective of his qualities, his mere birth, the mere Brāhmaṇa caste" Spongebob Spongebob Mahabharata 13.27 Yudhisthira asks question about how persons ̣from the three lower castes can attain the same status as Brahmins. Bhishma answers "Brahmin status is unobtainable for these castes in same birth. Only through innumerable births they can hope to be born as Brahmin" Spongebob Narada Purana 1.24.7-8 "The Brahmaņas, Kṣatriyas and Vaisyas - these three are called Dvijas (the twice-born), because at first they are born of their mothers and later on, they are consecrated by means of sacred thread with due repetition of the Mantras" Spongebob Ramanuja on Gita 18.41 "Past karma has been the cause of determining births as Brahmanas etc" Spongebob Garuda Purana 1.113.28-29 on the Karmic cycle, in which evildoers first enter hell, then animal wombs, then wombs of different castes, but righteous doers enter heaven, where they enjoy Apsaras Spongebob Brahmin is by birth is stated in many texts. That's why Hindu scriptures declare that Brahmins without Vedic knowledge should be respected and should never be disobeyed गुणन्विते च दातव्यं नास्ति मूर्खव्य तिक्रमः ।। २८ ।। ब्राह्मणातिक्रमो नास्ति विप्रे वेदविवर्जिते Spongebob Mahabharata 13/151/20-23 "Even Brahmana that is destitute of knowledge is a god. Learned or unlearned, Brahmana is always a high deity. So, if a Brahmana be always engaged in evil acts, he is still to be regarded as deserving of honour." Spongebob Ramacharitmanas "Brahmins should be worshipped even if they lack character, virtue, are harsh in their speech, and are violent but a Shudra should never be worshipped." सापत ताड़त परुष कहंता । बिप्र पूज्य अस गावहिं संता ॥ पूजिअ बिप्र सील गुन हीना । सूद्र न गुन गन ग्यान प्रबीना Spongebob Devi Bhagvata Purana 9.29.68 "Kshatriyas and Vaishyas can't become Brahmins in the same birth even after performing asceticism for 1 crore years" Spongebob Spongebob Caste in Hindu society is populary known by the word "Jāti" Neo Hindus claim that Jāti is different from Varṇa which is wrong. Panini in his Sanskrit grammar Aṣṭādhyāyī 5.4.9 uses 'Brahmin-jati' , 'Kshatriya-jati' as based varna classification Spongebob —— Caste Based Occupations in Hinduism I will debunk the Neo Hindu claim that changing occupation/upward mobility is allowed in Hinduism. Duty of Brahmins: Studying and teaching veda, accepting gifts Kshatriyas: Fighting, Donating Brahmins, Studying Vedas Vaishyas: Money Lending, Donating Brahmins, studying vedas Shudras: Serving Upper 3 castes, No study of veda Manusmriti 1.88-91, Baudhyana 1.18.1–6 Spongebob Spongebob On Shudra Life Gautama Dharmasutra 10.50-60 "Shudra should serve the upper castes, should seek his livelihood from them. He should use their discarded shoes, umbrellas, clothes, mats, and the like and eat their leftovers. He may also support himself by working as an artisan" Spongebob These are obligatory in Hinduism Parashara Smriti 2.16 "Abandoning the service of upper castes, Shudra who betake improper occupations will become short lived, and goes to hell. These are the eternal duties (sanatan dharma)" Spongebob Aiteraya Brahmana 8/29 "Shudra has to serve three Higher castes and can be beaten according to pleasure of his Master" Spongebob This is the ideal Hindu model, but there are mixed castes (varṇasaṃkaras) too born from inter caste unions. Chandala, Suta, Magadha, Nishadha, etc are listed as Mixed Castes in Hindu scriptures such as Manusmriti 10.24-35, Gautama Dharmasutra 5.16-28 Spongebob Spongebob Manusmriti 10.46 states since they were born of transgression, they shall subsist by doing menial jobs in services of twice born/Upper castes Spongebob BrahmaVaivarta Purana Brahma khanda Chapter 10 verse 17-18 "The cowherds, barbers, sweet meat sellers, the weavers, the black smiths, the gold smiths are known as sat-Śūdras. Spongebob Amarkosha pp 91-92 mentioned Castes with their respective professions which comes shudra varna like potters, Goldsmiths, weaver, shoemaker, painter, carpenter, washerman, etc. Here's the full list Spongebob Spongebob Downward occupational mobility is allowed but not Upward i.e. Brahmin can do work of Vaishya but a Vaishya can't do work of Brahmin Manusmriti 10.96 "If a man of low caste subsists by the occupations of his superiors, the King shall deprive of his property and quickly banish" Spongebob