
https://youtu.be/CRc1b0ogVx4 Fiqh: Hanafi The Seekers Aid PDF https://archive.org/details/seekersaid-compressed The Seekers Aid YT Playlist (Up to Salah) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3HWuqcktFfRJvhWKHWdgekGPdXjsHBRz Islamic Way of Worship PDF https://archive.org/details/islamic-way-of-worship-compressed Ascent to Felicity PDF https://archive.org/details/ascent-to-felicity Ascent to Felicity YT Playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTsVYoRQZZOaf9BzAQrf-rdUm-AT5K1g2 Nur al-Idah - Hanafi Fiqh of Prayer YT Playlist taught by Shaykh Waseem Ahmed https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMQ1OjYUshO9BfXBb4KHs3bNWMxzCwqFD The Essentials of Fasting YT Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqH2RzUHWwmiLVn66zAW0SyewPDv-oo1L The Essentials of Hajj/Umrah YT Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqH2RzUHWwmifUDGC8udeKGnlSwnQ-tob The Essentials of Zakat YT Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGBlZFuLarHNRelpZfktCmzvyHfyw3Ngd Hanafi Fiqh of Zakat YT Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNEGvONU7vk was Abu hanifa weak in hadith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdRQCddMq_Q&t=286s About Abu Hanifaؒ "Sufyan al-Thawri said: We were like sparrows in the presence of a hawk when we were before Abu Hanifa. Abu Hanifa was the master of the Scholars" — Ibn Hajar in his Qala'id as cited in Zafar al-Uthmani's Qawa'id fi Ulum al-Hadith, p.326 (cited in Introducing Hadith Studies) A Collection of Media Explaining his Life and Methodology https://archive.org/details/abu-hanifah-his-life-legal-method-legacy https://archive.org/details/ABriefIntroductionToImamEAazamAbuHanifah/mode/2up https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/657990 https://archive.org/details/AbuHanifasHighRankInHadith/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/TheStatusOfImamAbuHanifahInTheScienceOfHadith/mode/2up https://youtu.be/O1D_1hcJbuk Combatting the baseless slander propgated by the enemies of ahlus-sunnah against Imam e Azam :rh: It is a regretful fact that in contemporary times, despite the numerous assertions made by esteemed scholars throughout history attesting to the virtues of Imam e Azam, there are still individuals who persist in spreading false and baseless defamation against him. In the following messages, I aim to address some of the claims made by these individuals and provide refutations to these points, as well as present a selection of quotes from respected scholars throughout history in support of Imam e Azam. This is not a comprehensive analysis of the claims, but rather a general overview of the claims and the relevant response Allegation #1: That he was not from amongst the esteemed generation of the direct successors to the Sahabas :RadiaAllahuAnhum: Althought the number of sahabas met by abu hanifa is an issue of disagreement amongst the scholars and historians, there is almost a broad consensus that he did indeed meet the esteemed sahaba Anas ibn Malik :RadiaAllahAnhu: . Imam Dhahabi mentions this in his book Tadhkirah al-Ḥuffāẓ wherein he states “He saw Anas ibn Mālik more than once when he came to Kufa. Ibn Saʿd transmitted this from Sayf ibn Jābir that he heard Abū Ḥanīfah say this.” A similar position is also held by Al-Baghdadi whom, in his famed Tarikh Baghdad, mentions that “The Imam of the people of [juridical] opinion and the jurist of the people of Iraq, he saw Anas ibn Mālik.”. Later scholars, such as Ibn hajar al haythami :rh:as well as hafidh ibn hajar :rh: opine similarly, with Al-Asqalani writing “Thus, he is according to this consideration from the category of tābiʿīn, and this [status] is not established for any of the Imams of the cities who were his contemporaries.” in his Tabyīḍ al-Ṣaḥīfah. Allegation #2: That the imam of hadith, Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal :rh: had a strong dislike of Imam Abu Hanifa and likened his rulings to waste This claim is based upon a narration found in Tarikh Baghdad. This is an abhorrent claim, as it seeks to undermine both Abu Hanifa :rh: as well as Imam Ahmed :rh: by accusing him of using such foul terminology with respect to another Imam. The chain for this quote supposedly attributed to imam ahmed :rh:, as provided in tarikh baghdad, is a da'if chain and also contradicts the opinion of Yahya bin Ma`een :rh:(who was a close contemporary of Imam Ahmed) who stated that "I did not hear anyone declaring him as weak" Allegation #3: That Sufyan al-thawri :rh:was staunchly opposed to Abu Hanifa :rh: This is another baseless claim levelled against Imam e Azam :rh:. Although Al-thawri :rh: had some disagreements with Abu Hanifa :rh: he still held him in high regard and took fiqhi opinions from him. Hence, such a claim is incorrect and also contradicts the fact that there are a significant number of quotes (with authentic chains) that attest to the respect and reverence held by Al-Thawri :rh:with regards to Abu Hanifa :rh:. Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi narrates: Al-Khallal informed us: al-Hariri reported to us that al-Nakha‘i narrated to them: ‘Umar ibn Shihab al-‘Abdi narrated to us: Jandal ibn Waliq narrated to us: Muhammad ibn Bishr narrated to me: He said: I would frequent Abu Hanifah and Sufyan. I came to Abu Hanifah and he said to me, “From where did you come?” I said: “From the company of Sufyan.” He said: “Indeed you have come from the company of the man, that if ‘Alqamah and al-Aswad were present, they would need the like of him.” Then I came to Sufyan and he said to me, “From where did you come?” I said, “From the company of Abu Hanifah.” He said, “Indeed, you have come from the company of the best faqih from the inhabitants of earth (afqahi ahl al-ard).” (Tarikh Baghdad 15:471) Dr. Bashshar ‘Awwad Ma‘ruf, the editor of Tarikh Baghdad comments, “Its isnad is sahih, and its narrators are trustworthy (thiqat).” Regarding such quotes that ostensibly undermine the position of Imam e azam :rh:, Ibn Taymiyyah :rh: writes "There is no doubt regarding Imam Abu Hanifa's knowledge. People later attributed many lies to Imam Abu Hanifa, which were all untrue. The aim of such writings was to taint Imam Abu Hanifa" I would frequent Abu Hanifah and Sufyan. I came to Abu Hanifah and he said to me, “From where did you come?” I said: “From the company of Sufyan.” He said: “Indeed you have come from the company of the man, that if ‘Alqamah and al-Aswad were present, they would need the like of him.” Then I came to Sufyan and he said to me, “From where did you come?” I said, “From the company of Abu Hanifah.” He said, “Indeed, you have come from the company of the best faqih from the inhabitants of earth (afqahi ahl al-ard).” Tarikh Baghdad 15:471 Spongebob Abū Muʻāwiyah al Ḍarīr — who's from the scholars of the 2nd century hijrī — used to say: "loving Abū Ḥanīfah is from the sunnah." كان أبو معاويةَ الضَّريرُ -أحَدُ أعلامِ أئمَّةِ القرنِ الثَّاني- يقول: (حُبُّ أبي حَنِيفةَ من السُّنَّة). يُنظر: ((تاريخ الإسلام)) (9/310) و ((سير أعلام النبلاء)) (6/401) كلاهما للذهبي. Mukhtasar al Qudūrī https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiH1K2V9uP2AhWllFwKHYVNAIUQFnoECAQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fia801906.us.archive.org%2F27%2Fitems%2Fquduri.....-eng..-ahmad-ibn-muh%2FQuduri.....Eng..Ahmad%2520Ibn%2520Muh.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0vseBrd39rWFwq2Xm84UxD Kitab al-Kharaj by Abu Yusuf and Ben Shemesh (Translator) Link: https://docdro.id/y3A47Sv SBN: 71890138X Publisher: Brill (1969) Caveat: This is not a complete translation, and it only translates the key points of the original work. If you want to read everything that was in the original work, you should read the original Arabic version. You can find it for free at archive.org Make sure to ask for the link to be updated once it goes down Nur al-Idah | The Light of Clarification by Abu 'al-Ikhlas al-Shurunbulali https://archive.org/details/NurAlIdahEnglishTranslationAClassicalManualOfTheHanafiLaw Al-Hidayah fi Sharh Bidayat al-Mubtadi Vol. 1-4 by Burhan al-Din al-Marghinani https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.221892 https://archive.org/details/hedaysorguide00hamigoog/page/n5 https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.181528 https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.181526/mode/2up Fiqh Al-Imam | Key Proofs in Hanafi Fiqh by Abdur-Rahmān Ibn Yusuf https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/600305060479631371/776795828936638504/Fiqh_Al-Imam.pdf Faraz Rabbani - Absolute Essentials of Islam Compiled by Faraz Fareed Rabbani https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773546286804762645/773973630148673586/Faraz_Rabbani_-_Absolute_Essentials_of_Islam.pdf al-Mukhtasar al-Quduri by Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Qudūrī https://archive.org/details/themukhtasaralquduriimamabulhusaynahmadibnmuh Kitab Al-Siyar Al-Saghir | The Shorter Book on Muslim International Law by Muhammad Al-Hasan Al-Shaybani https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773546286804762645/775212604548972584/Kitab_Al-Siyar_Al-SaghirThe_Shorter_Book_on_Muslim_International_Law-By_Muhammad_Al-Hasan_Al-Shayban.pdf Introduction to Usul Ul-Fiqh | According to the Hanafi School by Abdul Aleem https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773546286804762645/776299219808026664/Introduction_to_Usul_Ul-FiqhAccording_to_the_Hanafi_School.pdf The Revealed Path, First Instructions On Worship by Saiema Din http://zhic.ae/Data/Files/Ebooks/English%20E-Book%202%20Instruction%20on%20Worship%20-%20Hanafi.pdf Ascent To Felicity by Abu 'al-Ikhlas al-Shurunbulali https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773546286804762645/794539927304011796/Ascent_To_Felicity-1.pdf