Rashad messenger of god

Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob P1: god doesn’t give his messengers nonsense “proof” I.e proof that can be refuted P2: rashad claimed being a messenger and those are partially his proofs P3: I refuted his proofs I.e showed how they are nonsense C: rashad isn’t a messenger (it’s nonsense because: if u have 5 value categories for example [verse number, sura number, amount of verses, gematrical value of name, sum of suras, sum of verses] and u choose few of them add them together->not a multiple of 19, so u change the chosen set of values ->not a multiple of 19, so now u do it again OH NOW it’s multiple of 19. This arbitrary choosing of values until u get what u want is certainly not a proof in any corner of the universe. The probability that u get a multiple of 19 after doing this few times is like 99% hence it’s not proof as I just said. The process is exactly what rashad did in appendix 2 hence his “proofs” have been refuted therefore he’s not a messenger of god)