Hadith Collections prior to Six Most Authentic Sunni Hadith Collections

Refuting the argument that Hadiths were invented centuries later

1. Book of Khalid ibn Ma’dan (d. 104) 2. Books of Abu Qilabah (d. 104). He bequeathed his books to his pupil, Ayyub Saktiyan (68-131 A.H.), who paid more than ten dirhams as a fare for them being loaded on a camel. 3. The script of Hammam ibn Munabbih, already referred to. 4. Books of Hasan al-Basri (21-110 A.H.) 5. Books of Muhammad al-Baqir (56-114 A.H.) 6. Books of Makhul from Syria 7. Book of Hakam ibn ‘Utaibah 8. Book of Bukair ibn ‘Abdullah ibn al-Ashajj (d. 117) 9. Book of Qais ibn Sa’d (d. 117). This book later belonged to Hammad ibn Salamah. 10. Book of Sulaiman al-Yashkuri 11. Al-Abwâb of Sha’bi, already referred to. 12. Books of Ibn Shihâb az-Zuhri 13. Book of Abul-‘Aliyah 14. Book of Sa’id ibn Jubair (d. 95) 15. Books of ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul Aziz (61-101 A.H.) 16. Books of Mujahid ibn Jabr (d. 103) 17. Book of Raja ibn Hywah (d. 112) 18. Book of Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Amr ibn Haq 19. Book of Bashir ibn Nahik. 20. Book of ‘Abdul Malik ibn Juraij (d. 150) 21. Muwatta of Malik ibn Anas (93-179) 22. Muwatta of Ibn Abi Zi’b (80-158) 23. Maghâzi of Muhammad ibn Ishaq (d. 151) 24. Musnad of Rabi’ ibn Sabih (d. 160) 25. Book of Sa’id ibn Abi ‘Arubah (d. 156) 26. Book of Hammad ibn Salmah (d. 167) 27. Jami’ Sufyan ath-Thauri (97-161) 28. Jami’ Ma’mar ibn Rashid (95-153) 29. Book of ‘Abdur-Rahman al-Awzâ’I (88-157) 30. Kitâb az-Zuhd by ‘Abdullâh ibn al-Mubârak (118-181) 31. Book of Hushaim ibn Bashir (104-183) 32. Book of Jarir ibn ‘Abdul-Hamid (110-188) 33. Book of ‘Abdullâh ibn Wahb (125-197) 34. Book of Yahya ibn Abi Kathîr (d. 129) 35. Book of Muhammad ibn Suqah (d. 135) 36. Tafsîr of Zaid ibn Aslam (d. 136) 37. Book of Musa ibn ‘Uqbah (d. 141) 38. Book of Ash’ath ibn ‘Abdul-Malik (d. 142) 39. Book of Aqil ibn Khalid (d. 142) 40. Book of Yahya ibn Sa’id Ansari (d. 143) 41. Book of Awf ibn Abi Jamilah (d. 146) 42. Books of Jafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (d. 148) 43. Books of Yunus ibn Yazid (d. 152) 44. Book of ‘Abdur-Rahman al-Mas’udi (d. 160) 45. Books of Zaidah ibn Qudamah (d. 161) 46. Books of Ibrahim al-Tahman (d. 163) 47. Books of Abu Hamzah al-Sukri (d. 167) 48. Al-Gharâib by Shu’bah ibn al-Hajjaj (d. 160) 49. Books of ‘Abdul-Aziz ibn ‘Abdullâh al-Majishun (d. 164) 50. Books of ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Abdullâh ibn Abi Uwais (d. 169) 51. Books of Sulaiman ibn Bilal (d. 172) 52. Books of ‘Abdullâh ibn Lahi’ah (d. 147) 53. Jami’ Sufyan ibn ‘Uyainah (d. 198) 54. Kitâb-ul-Âthâr by Imâm Abu Hanîfah (d. 150) 55. Maghâzi of Mu’tamir ibn Sulaiman (d. 187) 56. Musannaf of Waki’ ibn Jarrah (d. 196) 57. Musannaf of ‘Abdur-Razzâq ibn Hammam (136-221) 58. Musnad of Zaid ibn ‘Ali (76-122) 59. Books of Imâm Shâfi’i (150-204) ——————-

Hadith Book in the 7th Century

Folios of the Damascus manuscript of "Sahifat Hammam ibn Munbbih" صحيفة همام بن منبه, the earliest Hadith book for which we have manuscripts. It was written in the 7th century. ‎Hammam (660 - 719 AD) was a Tabi' تابعي and a student of Abu Hurairah (RA). He heard most (if not all) of the Hadiths he included in his book from Abu Hurairah (RA). Spongebob Spongebob https://www.call-to-monotheism.com/refuting_the_argument_that_the_hadith_have_been_collected_200_years_after_the_death_of_the_prophet_and_therefore_are_unreliable_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYrw-BcWKN8