Ruling on killing gays

Ok so first I am gonna be taking the hanafi point view that is same law as a fornicator check ⁠ 『⚖』ruling-on-adultress for more how do we deal with the hadith ? In tahquiq Sunan Abi dawud volume 6 print of al-risala al-alameyah page number 510 narration number 4462 lets check footnote number 1 the revisor al-arna’ut weakns the repot because amr bin abi Amr who report from ikrimah while he is truthful his narrations from ikrimah are criticized Spongebob the second report is found in tirmidhi and ibn majah while al-arna’ut weakned it because of asim bin omar who is da’if (weak narrator) in the chain Spongebob Spongebob imam an-nasa'i rejected this hadith (Al-Ahkam Al-Wusta 4/88) Spongebob imam Yehia Ibn ma'in also rejected this hadith (Al-Kamal Fi Du'afaa Al-Rijal 6/206) Spongebob Al-Bukhari said he narrates manakir (rejected narrations) from 'ikrimah. (Al-'Ilal Al-Kabir At-Tirmidhi pp.236) Spongebob