Moon split

First we need to agree this isn’t even a good argument They put in place that for God to split the moon it must have consequences That is not true at all the definition of “miracle” is out of scientific terms And here we go and refute the argument 1.Nasa said it never happened Actually nasa said “current” what is the difference ? Means right now we didn’t find evidence doesn’t deny finding later Spongebob Now lets look at the evidence we have First muslim evidence Spongebob Spongebob Musnad ʾAbī Dāwūd Aṭ-Ṭayālisī (293): “From ‘Abdullah: ‘The moon has split at the time of the Messenger of Allah (SAWA), so Quraysh has said: “This is the magic of Ibn Abi Kabshah, so they said: ‘wait till the travelers come to you, for Muhammad cannot enchant all of you, then the travelers came and said the same thing -that the moon was split-.’” Grade: Sahih (authentic) Spongebob In nadhm al-hadith al-mutawatir page number 211 subject number 264 or states and the reports of the moon split as ibn sobki said that the moon split is mutawatir (mass transmitted) and found in the Qūr’ān and the two Sahih (bukhari and Muslim) Spongebob Spongebob Historically speaking are hadith forgeries Spongebob Spongebob So even saying that we don’t have any other source won’t discredit it cause sources get lost throughout history Shaykh ibn Salih al-‘Uthaymeen notes: if they said why didn’t the Indian hsitorians mention it “They are answered: Maybe they had in that night clouds that stopped them from seeing the moon split or we say that the moon split didn’t last for long or we say at that time other people were sleeping.” Sharh al-‘aquidah al-Safraniyah 560-561 Spongebob BY SHEIKH UTHMAN IBN FAROOQ Now onto the non Muslim evidence First Persian manuscripts For each people there is an important event that caused the time starting ratio. The book of maya hieroglyphic writings page number 231 tells us that in the 7th century they started counting because something important and bas happened This article was shared long ago talking and explaining this event caused by the splitting of the moon without knowing they are attributing a miracle to the prophet this article was changed 54X next but lets examine what is in it to see if it is true or false Spongebob Lets pick up the first here it says if we searched this code we are going to find a palace of the moon being shakes by quack and question marks around Spongebob Lets go to this website basically a trusted source for verifying codes Spongebob And here we got it the article is exactly accurate Spongebob Here then it Quotes the Madrid codex basically found in Madrid Spain he Quotes pages 90-91 lets check that Spongebob Exact same description Spongebob Spongebob Now someone may ask how do you know the rabbit is the moon ? 1st we must know maya is divided in 2 parts pre-classical and classical and after classical this happened in the pre and classical period -Source: Maya Hieroglyphic writing Second Edition,2011 page number 1 Spongebob The instant happened in the late or classical period Now we got to the encyclopedia we will find out in the preclassical to classical the rabbit actually meant and signified the moon Spongebob It also may be a coincidence the day of the split of the moon is the day they changed there time Spongebob For the question how do you know it is from the 6-9 century -Source: mexicolore Spongebob How do you know it is authentic Time objection Spongebob Spongebob Now we head to the king of india The idea that it is a forgery came by a Hindu book to make Islam look bad they approved he went there but changed the dates, to 835 A.D Now Dr hassena v.a has a whole research on this lets read the most important passages Otto Loth, a German Orientalist, wrote in his 1877 Catalogue of the Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, volume 1, p. 299, also mentions the following manuscript: A fabulous account of the first settlement of the Muhammadans in Malabar, under king Shakrûti of Cranganore, a contemporary of Muhammad, who was converted to Islam by the miracle of the division of the moon. ‐----------- George Milne Rae wrote in his 1892 book on the Christians of the region, The Syrian Church in India, p. 169: The last Emperor of Kerala was Cheraman Perumal. The closing act in the drama of his life is remarkable even after it has been stripped of sundry embellishments and reduced to a form in which it can be accepted both by the Hindus and the Mohammedans of that part of the country. It turned on a strange dream. Cheraman Perumal dreamt that the full moon appeared on the night of new moon at Mecca in Arabia and that when on the meridian it split into two one half remaining in the sky and the other half descending to the foot of a hill called Abikubais where the two halves joined together and then set. ------------- Nathan Katz, in his book Who Are the Jews of India? puts forward an even more decisive argument, writing in p. 21: Local Hindus share the narrative. The nineteenth-century, quasi-historical Malayalam text, the Keralolpatti, records that the last Cheraman Perumal king went to Makkah, converted to Islam, and became known as Makkattupoya Perumal, “the emperor who went to Makkah.” As ritual recompense for this familial apostasy, the maharajahs of Travancore used to recite, when they received swords of office at their coronation, “I will keep this sword until the uncle who has gone to Mecca [Makkah] returns.” The text and the custom reveal a basic familial structure for interreligious relationships in South India. The apostate king remains the “uncle” of succeeding generations of maharajahs. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob So even if non Muslims disprove me on this it would cause nothing since I already have muslim evidences it would change nothing now they will head to say he bewitched them like Quraish did long reddit link long link Some video recommendations only for arab speakers: Now I will show classical scholars response to these foolish arguemnts Al-Khattabi, may God have mercy on him, said: "This is something that a special people from the people of Mecca asked for what was narrated by Anas bin Malik, so the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) saw it at night because the moon is the sign of the night, and it has no authority in the day, and most people at night sleep and live in buildings and withholding, Before healing and consistency. The moon often has an eclipse, and people do not feel it, until one of them and individuals from their group tell them. Rather, it was as much as the moment when she was visually aware of it" ‘Ilam al-hadith " (2/1619). Spongebob Al-Qurtubi (May Allah have mercy on him) states: “Ibn Omar (RA) said that this Hadith was narrated by many of Sahabi (RA), Like: Abdullah Ben Messaoud, Anas, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Omar, Hudifa, Ali, Jubayr Ibn Mutaim, Etc (RA). And had also narrated by Tabiein of Sahabi and therefore conveys (الجم الغفير), And the numbers contained grow up until it ends up with us, And their light upon us, And adds to this what was came from Quran to every human, Indeed the right teaches was shown due to this miracle that can't be denied by sane, But it's been excluding by a lot of atheists, And some of people of knowledge by if it's this then all people must participate to realize that. And the answer is that it would only be necessary if all of people around the globe are conscious of it at the same time and it is not like that for the moon comes up to people before coming to others it would also be necessary if the length of the split was long and it wasn’t like that it was rather for a short time, also it was night and the norm of people at night is to sleep and from that the objections aren’t counted counted and do not work.” #Al-Mufhim volume 7, pages 403-404 Spongebob Rahmatullah Al-Hindi notes: “And fith because of the diffrences of upcoming of the moon it isn’t the same view for all people around the globe he can come up to people before coming to others, also that it is frequent historians writes earth phenomenons without the atmospherical (heaven) ones only but a few and it was in England and in france scholars of ignorance they didn’t gain knowledge but after the a long time of the prophets (pbuh) time” #Izhar Ul-Haqq, page 1041 Spongebob “At the turn of the seventh century, a powerful South Indian king beheld an extraordinary astronomical event. Gazing at the stars sparkling above the Arabian Sea one night, he saw the moon divide into two halves, before it once again merged back into its customary shape. The awestruck king was Cheraman Perumal, the Hindu sovereign of the Chera dynasty, one of the three ancient Tamil royal houses that ruled over southern India. His realm was the westernmost portion of the Tamilakam, a region known to foreigners as Malabar or simply “the land of pepper”; its limits correspond more or less to those of the present-day Indian state of Kerala (which takes it names from the Chera dynasty). Upon witnessing this unwonted celestial occurrence, Cheraman Perumal summoned his Hindu astronomers, who although competent enough to accurately forecast eclipses, could not account for this unprecedented phenomenon”. (Sabastian R. Prange: Monsoon Islam, p. 1) He further says: “Some years later, a group of Jewish and Christian traders disembarked on the Malabar Coast. They.... [were] granted a royal audience, these traders told the king about an agitator back in Arabia, a man called Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd-Allāh who claimed to be a prophet and was said to have employed magic to split the moon. A few years later still, a group of Muslim pilgrims arrived at the Chera court on their way to Sri Lanka, where they intended to visit the venerated site of Adam’s Peak. The king quizzed these Muslims about their pilgrimage, but above all about their faith and its prophet. They related to him the miracle of the splitting of the moon, as recorded in sūrah al-Qamar (“The Moon”) of the Quran. The king requested that the pilgrims return to his court on their homeward journey. When they did so, he divided his realm among his ministers before joining the Muslims on their voyage back to Arabia. There, Cheraman Perumal was converted to Islam at the hands of the Prophet himself, becoming the first Indian Muslim. After a few years in Arabia, the convert king decided to return to his native land but died on the Omani coast before he could set sail for India”. (Ibid. pp. 1-2) Many other classical scholars responded btw such as ar-razy and al-baklawani May Allah mercy on them The conclusion: even if non Muslims scholars didn’t note it it doesn’t affect the miracle but they actually did as we showed Go back to the 🔝

Refutation of the Fatimah of the sun miracle

Christians often cite this miracle as evidence of Christianity, with mass reporting. However when we analyse the testimonies of this event we realise it is quite exaggerated Documentação Crítica de Fátima, p.89-91: Among the more educated classes, no one told me that they had seen the celestial apparition, but it is certain that all of them, learned and unlearned, manifested their faith. Documentação Crítica de Fátima, p.126-130: It would not be surprising if among the thousands of people present, there were others like our coachman, to whom I asked while standing by the car at the top of the valley: ‘So, Mr. Manuel, did you like and see the sun?’… It seems that at that moment, he was feeding the horses! Great materialist (being a very good person, by the way)… Nothing surprising. The claim by John Haffert of everyone witnessing the events are therefore contradictory and inconsistent. There are also some embellishments within his claim like everyone’s clothes drying up when seeing the miracle, a detail not found in original sources. Fabrications like this raise questions to the validity of his testimony Father Martindale also mentions individuals who failed to see the miracle. He mentions that he knew 2 English woman and 2 Portugese women that reportedly saw nothing, perhaps due to location in crowd or distraction. In conclusion not everyone saw this event. Additionally, the idea that the sun had danced across the sky during the light of day, in a time when photography was both quite advanced and widely available, makes it hard to believe only a few individuals present were able to witness the occurrence. Photographic evidence of the event contradicts the eyewitness accounts. Many who were present claimed the people and the earth had taken on a yellowish or purple hue, whereas colourising photographs from the time with contemporary software reveals that people appeared entirely normal Spongebob It is worth noting that it’s unlikely the event was completely fabricated. But it’s more likely that there was hallucinations due to ecstacy combined with rumours and exaggerations rather than an actual event due to the severe discrepancies in reports. Satan?: Even if we assume something supernatural took place, Islam says that Shaytaan can take human form and some scholars say he can also cause hallucinations. The bible also mentions that Satan masquerades as an angel of light 2 Corinthians 11:14: And [it is] not wonderful, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Some of the children involved in this event proceeded to begin engaging in self-harm practices, with the ‘Virgin Mary’ never appearing to them and telling them to stop. Would a miracle from God have such effects? The miracle of Fatimah was also marked by prophecies, one of which completely failed to materialise. This is ww1 ending on the day of the miracle. Some even lost faith because the war lasted longer than promise. Father Joaquim wrote: I have consulted many people about this, and they all confirm the same thing that the witnesses to the same document said…what has currently cooled some people’s faith a bit is that one of the shepherds said that the war would end the same day, or the next night, and it (the war) still went on with the whole increment. As Deuteronomy 18:22 states: If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed. Al-Qadi ʿAbd al-Jabbar (d. 415 AH) explains: « Also, it may be permissible that Allah hides it for the benefit of His servants, except for those people [meccans] , because it may be possible that in some countries there are liars and deceivers at that hour, and if he saw that, he would say: "The testimony has only been separated from me because of my truthfulness." What the system mentioned may not have come in this way either, and what he assumed is invalid. » •📖 {Tathbit Dala’il | 58} Spongebob