Sahih muslim 1668a

Refuting this ⬇️ Spongebob So the argument is why would the prophet be against freeing slaves Answer: The thing is he wasn’t against that this hadith is a specific context of a man wrote his death and didn’t have any money and wanted to free 6 of his slaves, so the man doesn’t get punished enough the prophet shows it is a bad thing and pays the rest of them as slaves and the other 2 are freed. You would say how is that just well because not anyone can free slaves only if he doesn’t have anymore debt it isn’t also just for him to leave a death will without any money and free all his slaves islam totally advocates for slave freement except in this context “Chapter: What Has Been Related About One Who Frees His Slaves When He Dies, While He Has No Wealth Aside From Them And in the hadith there is evidence that manumating slaves at the death bed only frees 1/3 of them for the inheritors right on him” Tuhfat Al-Ahwadhi Bi Sharh Jamiʿ Al-Tirmidhi vol.IV, pp.601 hadith:1375 Islam made a lot of punishements and greatest rewards is freeing a slave even if he was a non muslim Done. Spongebob There is another wording of the hadith also found in bukhari 2491 they all point to this exact hadith lets see what an-nawawi said , reminder the owner didn’t have any other money Sahih al-Bukhari 2492 Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Whoever manumits his share of a jointly possessed slave, it is imperative for him to get that slave manumitted completely by paying the remaining price, and if he does not have sufficient money to manumit him, then the price of the slave should be estimated justly, and he is to be allowed to work and earn the amount that will manumit him (without overburdening him)". Imam an-nawawi writes: "The malikis and Hanafis and the majority of the salaf see that buying a manumitted slave is impermissible they respond to this hadith by saying that the prophet only sold him because of a debt on his master and it was said so in a narration in nisa'i and Daraqutni so he sold his slave only to push off his debt" [Al-Minhaj fi Sharh Sahih Muslim by an-nawawi volume 11, pg.204] Spongebob This is a special condition on which a slave is freed after the death of his master but if not you can’t buy or sell him he is free, people may object by saying but the freed slave writes ? What about the erson who had the debt, and what about the inheritors write this is a special case as we said it is mentioned in sharh Sahih muslim 997 C that this slave was freed after we must also put in mind that the form of manumitting slaves isn’t present in any form of ideology except Islam