Muslim 1403 woman sheytan

There are 2 claims in this particular hadith first that the prophet was lustful second that the woman is a shaytan Translation: “and in sahih muslim there are hadith that Abu al-Zubair didn’t specify hearing from Jabir bin Abdullah such as the hadith of No one carrying armes in mecca , the prophet seeing a women then having intercourse with zainab” -Source: Mizan al-itidal fi nakd al-rijal al-dhahabi volume 6 page number 335 Spongebob The hadith were it mentions this story are only found from there narration the more trustworthy don’t include it meaning this story is unauthentic Translation: “Qadi ‘Iyad and ‘Allamah Nawawi (rahimahumallah) explain that this does not mean that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) had become affected -Allah forbid- when he saw the woman. Rather Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) showed us and demonstrated what we should do in a case like this. He did this so that we too do the same. His actions were meant as guidance.” -Source: Sharh Sahih muslim (9/254) Spongebob And an-nawawis explanation of a woman being a shaytan he says the scholars have said that a woman throw her tabruj makes a higher level of fitnah