Chainmail argument

”We taught him the art of making body armour to protect you in battle. Will you then be grateful? (Quran 21:80) ”instructing: “Make full-length armour, ˹perfectly˺ balancing the links. And work righteousness ˹O family of David!˺. Indeed, I am All-Seeing of what you do.” (Quran 34:11) Anti Islam polemicists argue that these verses present a historical anachronism. They argue that King David lived around the 10th-9th century BCE while chain mail was not made until the 5th century BCE First of all they are assuming that King David actually lived in that time period to begin with. The Quran doesn’t say where he lived and the Christian and Jewish timelines aren’t really authoritative on us. Secular scholars dispute whether or not David even existed let alone what time period he lived in. Some would also say that David was a legend. Second of all even if we did accept this timeline this would be a very easy objection to answer. The fact that David peace be upon him had chain mail armor was one of the miracles that Allah bestowed on him. It’s a miracle claim the same way Moses peace be upon him splitting the Red Sea is a miracle claim. Since Allah is omnipotent and omniscient is it inconceivable that he gave David peace be upon him the ability to create that special armor? After all the verses say that this ability was only given to him. This isn’t a stretch because if you go back to verse 10, Allah lists out some of the miracles that he gave to David peace be upon him 👇 ”Indeed, We granted David a ˹great˺ privilege from Us, ˹commanding:˺ “O mountains! Echo his hymns! And the birds as well.” We made iron mouldable for him,” (Quran 34:10) Notice how the whole communicating to the mountains and birds are in the same category as the chain mail which would imply that it’s a miracle as well. As for the Christians that use this argument they should take a look at their Bible 👇 ”And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. He had a helmet of bronze on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze.” (1 Samuel 17:5) *”Then Saul clothed David with his armor. He put a helmet of bronze on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail,” (1 Samuel 17:38)