Jews claim Prophet Muhammad SAW is a terrorist

1634 - حدثنا ابن حميد قال، حدثنا يحيى بن واضح قال، حدثنا عبيد الله - يعني العتكي -، عن رجل من قريش قال: سأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اليهود فقال: أسالكم بكتابكم الذي تقرءون، هل تجدون به قد بشر بي عيسى ابن مريم أن يأتيكم رسول اسمه أحمد؟ فقالوا: اللهم وجدناك في كتابنا، ولكنا كرهناك لأنك تستحل الأموال وتهَرِيق الدماء. فأنـزل الله: (من كان عدوا لله وملائكته) ا That translates to the prophet asked the jews why they didn’t believe in him they answered because you take our money and kill people violently However this hadith is weak because it has a liar in the chain who is ibn humaid Translation: “It has been proven to us that ibn hamid is a liar” -Source: Al-Majroohin Min al-muhadetheen imam bin haban (RH) volume 2 page number 321 person number 1005 by name “muhammed bin humaid Al-Razy” end of the page Spongebob Now this narration isn’t true at all for some reasons First when the prophet came to Medina he made a contract with the Jews They became mu’ahad there blood is haram They can’t be killed nor stealen money from You can find that in sunan abi dawud 3052 and al-bukhari 3166 Did the prophet take the life of a man for no reason Spongebob Now he actually forgave them multiple times dispite them trying to kill him Al-Miswar ibn Makhramah reported: During the period of ignorance, Al-Mughirah accompanied some people, killed them, and took their wealth. Then, he later embraced Islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “As for your Islam, we have accepted it. As for the property, it is the wealth of treachery and we have no need for it.” Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 2765 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani Al-Azimabadi said, “The benefit in the tradition is that it is not lawful to seize the wealth of an unbeliever deceptively in a condition of safety. Indeed, it is only lawful to do so against a warrior or combatant.” Source: ‘Awn al-Ma’būd 2765