Magic argument

A lot of people including Shias claim the prophet was bewitched , however that is true but not in the manner they understand it Translation: “And al-Mazari said some mubtad’ia refused to accept this hadith claiming it reduced the level of prophethood of prophet muhammed (pbuh) and all of what they said is rejected because the prophet is protected from the side of delivering the message like God promised him and what testified in that are the miracles he presented. And what is correlated to the things of this worldly life that he isn’t sent for he isn’t protected from it like for example diseases and sickness , and Al-mulhib said the protection of prophet muhammed from the kayd of the shaytan doesn’t mean he is protected from worldly stuff but in what is correlated to affirming the message he is protected from it. Ibn al-Qasar said this was a type of sickness (I.e the bewitchment)” -Source: Fathul-Bari sharhu Sahih al-bukhari volume 17 page number 602-603 explaining hadith number 5763 tahquiq al-arna’ut Spongebob Another argument formed is if you eat 7 ajwas it would protect you from magic except that it would hope to get you better, and the prophet totally got better because of Allah and the magic didn’t affect him much it was more like a sickness Spongebob