Linguistic errors Is there a Grammatical Mistake in Qur'an 49:9? Question: The verse in question is 49:9: "If two groups [dual form used] of the believers fight [plural form used], you [believers] should try to reconcile them..." I mean I didn't have to search for long to find grammatical errors in the Quran, sadly I don't speak arabic myself, but some seem pretty easy to see. For example here, the subject is dual (two groups), but the verb fight, إِقْتَتَلَ, is conjugated in the plural form إِقْتَتَلُو instead of the dual form إِقْتَتَلَا Answer: These are pretty cheap arguments that no one takes seriously. The Qur'an has been studied intensively for 1400 years and someone pops up saying there are grammatical errors while not knowing Balagha (rhetoric). Ibn Ashur says in his tafsir: ويَعُودُ ضَمِيرُ ”اقْتَتَلُوا“ عَلى ”طائِفَتانِ“ بِاعْتِبارِ المَعْنى لِأنَّ طائِفَةَ ذاتُ جَمْعٍ، والطّائِفَةُ الجَماعَةُ. وتَقَدَّمَ عِنْدَ قَوْلِهِ تَعالى: فَلْتَقُمْ طائِفَةٌ مِنهم مَعَكَ في سُورَةِ النِّساءِ. Which basically says, The usage of اقْتَتَلُوا (plural form) on طائِفَتانِ (two groups) is due to the meaning that of what a طائِفَةَ (group) is, which is ذاتُ جَمْعٍ (possessor of plurality i.e. plurality of people) and because الطّائِفَةُ الجَماعَةُ (a 'group' is a 'collection/gathering'). It is in the same way the Qur'an says in Surah an Nisa 4:102 فَلْتَقُمْ طائِفَةٌ مِنهم مَعَكَ (then let a 'group' from among them [plural] stand with you [singular referring to the Prophet :saw: ]). Here the context is that in the time of war, the way of prayer is not that everyone prays together behind the Prophet :saw: , because the enemies can attack during that time. Rather the way is that one group stands guard while the other prays and then alternate (there's a process to this that is irrelevant to this discussion). Here, Allah says "a group from among them [plural]", while there are actually two groups. This is Balagha i.e. eloquence in speech and rhetoric techniques. If you think the author of the Qur'an whose speech has been studied intensely for 1400 years and is still going on would make a mistake in a simple verb form and this is being memorized by 1000s of people during the life of the Prophet :saw: itself and no one bats an eye... I don't even know what to say to you.