
Haytham talaat based videos about this: For the Question why didn’t Islam ban slavery ? Answer: Muslims fought every empire slavery was only through captives if we stop simple we gonna get fd at war because every time they come they know they are going to come back or live Here is what Gustave Le Bon and Bernard Lewis (who wasn't a big admirer of Islam) said regarding slavery under Islam. Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Here is what an Orientalist, R.V.C. Bodley said regarding the Prophet's instructions on how to treat the slaves. Spongebob Elaborating furthermore from the image above. There is a huge difference in how slavery was practiced in the post-colonial secular West and slavery in general before this time, going back to the ancient Arabs, Romans and Greeks (treated like members of the family, even being adopted). For example, a worker in post-industrial England could be sent to jail for showing up late to work. Source: Eltis, David, and Stanley L. Engerman. "Dependence, servility, and coerced labor in time and space." The Cambridge world history of slavery, AD (2011), page 3 Spongebob Spongebob Much of post-slavery Europe still wasn't free despite them "banning slavery" they still treated those "freemen" as slaves. All that happened is that they became serfs (pretty much the same as a slave; just not property, but still bound by contracts). (Eltis, 2009, pg 6) Spongebob Meanwhile under Islam, unlike in the West, a slave could become a king if he had the merits to do so, and this happened frequently. All the intelligent ones were appointed to positions of power. Source: Levy, Reuben. The social structure of Islam. CUP Archive, (1957). page 74 Spongebob In the Islamic/devshirme system, slaves could occupy any hierarchy in society even one above a freeman. A concept unthinkable to the West, where slaves only occupied the very bottom Source: Erdem, Y. Slavery in the Ottoman Empire and its Demise 1800-1909. Springer, (1996). page 1 Spongebob Spongebob It was normal for Muslim masters to help their slaves secure a future by getting them connections. Source: Kunt, Metin Ibrahim. "Ethnic-regional (cins) solidarity in the seventeenth-century Ottoman establishment." International Journal of Middle East Studies 5.3 (1974). page 233 Spongebob Spongebob Spongebob Their masters would help them build their careers, and then those slaves would also help other slaves build their careers once they were successful. Many of them who held government positions, reinvested back in their original homeland. (Kunt, 1974, pg 235-236) Spongebob Spongebob While slaves in the Ottoman Empire had the right to healthcare. Slaves under Europeans were forced to work in poisonous mines without any breaks. European slavers were enslaved back in return by Barbary pirates. (Etlis, 2011b, pg 143-144) Fun fact, the Mamluks were the mighty "slave" warriors who converted to Islam, then fought and defeated the notorious Mongols and the crusaders, they established a very successful dynasty that for lasted 300 years. (P.18, Cambridge Press. Mongols and Mamluks( Slavery and Islam: What is Slavery?-By Abdullah Hamid Ali & Jonathan Brown What does Islam teach about slavery?-By Abu Amina Elias What does Islam teach about concubines?-By Abu Amina Elias Sexual consent, marriage, and concubines in Islam-By Abu Amina Elias ISLAM AND SLAVERY - UNSHACKLING THE TRUTH-By MercifulServant How Islam abolished pre-Islamic & Western colonial chattel slavery-By Abdullah al Andalusi Hadiths on slavery: Al Imam Al Shafii says in Al Umm: ‎وَإِذَا اغْتَصَبَ الرَّجُلُ الْجَارِيَةَ ثُمَّ وَطِئَهَا بَعْدَ الْغَصْبِ وَهُوَ مِنْ غَيْرِ أَهْلِ الْجَهَالَةِ أُخِذَتْ مِنْهُ الْجَارِيَةُ وَالْعُقْرُ وَأُقِيمَ عَلَيْهِ حَدُّ الزِّنَا “If a man forcefully acquired a slave girl and then has intercourse with her thereafter, and he is not ignorant, the slave girl is taken away from him, he is fined, and he is punished for adultery.” Imam Malik said in Al Muwatta: ‎وَالْعُقُوبَةُ فِي ذَلِكَ عَلَى الْمُغْتَصِبِ وَلَا عُقُوبَةَ عَلَى الْمُغْتَصَبَةِ فِي ذَلِكَ كُلِّهِ The legal punishment is applied to the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who was raped in any case. He said this in the chapter on treating ones slave. Slavery and Islam by Jonathan A.C. Brown "On the authority of isaq : i was a slave to omar ibn al-khattab he used to tell meto become muslim, but i refuse. So he would recite the verse 'Let there be no compulsion in religion" (Qur'an 2:256) and he then tells me if you were to become muslim we would have seeked your help for some of our muslim things" (Narrated by ibn abi hatim in his tafsir 2/589 no.2760 mentioned by ibn kathir in his tafsir of 2:256 with a hassan isnad also check tababqat al-kubra by ibn sa'd, 6/158-159) Spongebob from this hadith we understand that it is impermissible to force a slave to islam, islamweb agrees The source of slaves is only captures of war (Sahih al-Bukhari 2227), The non Muslims such as old people people who didn’t participate in war like farmers aren’t to be enslaved. The ruler isn’t obligated to enslaved (47:4) the non Muslims dhimis aren’t enslaved (Sahih al-Bukhari 3052) “The wisdom behind slavery is breaking the evil of the disbelievers and getting them away of fighting field” [Al-Musu’ah al-fiqhiyah al-Kuwaitiyah 4/196] Spongebob Imam an-nawawi writes: “And the scholars have agreed that it is permissible to free a non Muslim slave they differed in al-kaffarat (expantion of sins) that are non related to killing the jumhoor said it isn’t permissible although Abu Hanifa and the kufiun said it is permissible” [Al-Minhaj fi Sharh Sahih Muslim Bin Hajaj (5/34)] Spongebob Abdullah ibn Amr reported: Zinba’ Abi Rawh found his servant boy with a servant girl, so he maimed his nose and castrated him. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, came and he said, “Who did this to you?” The boy said, “Zinba’.” The Prophet summoned Zinba’ and he said, “What made you do this?” Zinba’ said, “He was misbehaving in such a way.” The Prophet said to the slave, “Go, for you are free.” Zinba’ said, “Am I not his guardian?” The Prophet said, “His guardian is Allah and His Messenger.” Source: Musnad Aḥmad 6710 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir Ruling on the child of the slave Generally the slave follows the mother in slavery and father in freedom if the master and slave get a child he is free if he is from another guy he is freed when the master dies and he has the choice to free him. This is because if he was freed he would have no one up to take care of him as a child and he can’t be taken away from his mother. Although if the slave made it a condition then all of her children being free they’ll be free. Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Uthaymīn (d. 1421 AH) states: « also if his mother was a slave and he is the son of the owner he is free, and also if his mother was a slave and a free man had intercourse with without knowing he is a slave he is free, and if she made it a condition that all her children be free then he is free » •📓 [Al-Mumti’ | 14/137] And if it is with a contracted slave (mukatibah) and she died before paying the duty then he continues paying it then he is free. An important thing to mention the same concept exists in war captives if we can justify slavery through war captives then this is justified. Spongebob We should also keep this in mind that anything that is going to cause greater harm should obligatory be avoided if not freeing them at a time causes chaos then it is obligatory to free them. Spongebob Spongebob Why don’t you go enslave people today if slavery is permissible Slavery is not mandatory for a Muslim to practice. In Islam the only way a slave can be obtained nowadays is through warfare. Even then the Imam or leader of the country can say “no slavery” just like how Umar ra didn’t chop the thieves’ hands while he was caliph due to the circumstances of the time « it isn’t permissible to capture those who there is no fear of leaving, the school of thought of the hanafis and hanbalis and the most apparent in the shaf’i school: that those who cause no harm aren’t to be captured like the old man the zamin the blind and the priest. » from this we understand those who didn’t fight on the battle field for example are in their homes aren’t to be enslaved Spongebob Even if enslaving isn’t an obligation as we mentioned.